June 30, 2006


House May Chill Bush's Wooing of Latino Voters (Charles Babington, June 30, 2006, Washington Post)

By pushing English-only policies and tough measures against illegal immigrants, House conservatives are endangering President Bush's goal of drawing millions of Latino voters to the Republican Party and helping realign ethnic politics for years to come, according to an array of analysts and officials.

The latest blow to Bush's efforts to woo Hispanics came last week, when a band of House Republicans unexpectedly balked at renewing the 1965 Voting Rights Act, partly because of a 30-year-old requirement that many local governments provide bilingual ballots. The revolt, which forced House GOP leaders to abruptly postpone a vote, came as House Republicans are stiffening their resistance to Bush's bid to allow pathways to legal status for millions of illegal immigrants while also strengthening borders and deportation efforts.

"It's sort of a double whammy," said Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), a Cuban native who is among the GOP's most visible Hispanic leaders. Under Bush's leadership, he said in an interview, "our party has shown a very welcoming approach to the emerging Hispanic vote." However, he said, "there obviously are those who feel that's not important. . . . I think there could be great political risks to becoming the party of exclusion and not a party of inclusion."

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 30, 2006 9:22 AM

Every country needs a peasant class that is unable to communicate with their masters but does all the dirty work for cheap. Just another attempt to Europeanize this country by our elites.

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at June 30, 2006 9:49 AM

There is less here than meets the eye.

1. Based upon my understanding, the Hispanics that are already American citizens are split on immigration as well. (does anyone have a poll?)

2. McCain can run on being expansive and get moderate votes while Gerrymandered Tancredos can get the 'yahoos.'

3. The Cannon's are safe under any circumstance.

The silver lining in all this is that blacks and some democrats are seeing Republicans as being better on this "red meat" issue.

This could work quite well in some house races, where costing your opponent 1 vote is often cheaper than getting 1 vote (and just as effective).

[Note: This based on the statistically significant sample of one Jewish liberal woman and one black democrat calling my show and saying that they would have voted for Oberweis, had he won the nomination.]

Posted by: Bruno at June 30, 2006 10:36 AM

They're split on immigration but they know racism when they see it.

Posted by: oj at June 30, 2006 11:34 AM

The latest blow to Bush's efforts to woo Hispanics came last week, when a band of House Republicans unexpectedly balked at renewing the 1965 Voting Rights Act, partly because of a 30-year-old requirement that many local governments provide bilingual ballots.

It also provides Justice Kennedy a mechanism by which he can order federal judges to redraw political districts, when they should be drawn by state legislators.

Let it die.

Posted by: kevin whited at June 30, 2006 12:07 PM

If the commie wins in Mexico, things could change - some very interesting/entertaining/informative commercials
might be showing up before November.

Some might even contain Hugo.

Of course, all some would really have to do is translate the Mexican papers......

Posted by: Sandy P at June 30, 2006 2:30 PM

"they know racism when they see it" – which is why they're against the Civil Rights Act which has served to encourage racism and presumes Hispanics not smart enough to learn English?

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at June 30, 2006 11:11 PM

See, they know the GOP isn't blocking renewal because they want to help.

Posted by: oj at July 1, 2006 7:54 AM