June 27, 2006


Womb environment 'makes men gay': A man's sexual orientation may be determined by conditions in the womb, according to a study (BBC News, 6/27/06)

Previous research had revealed the more older brothers a boy has, the more likely he is to be gay, but the reason for this phenomenon was unknown.

But a Canadian study has shown that the effect is most likely down to biological rather than social factors....

He found the link between the number of older brothers and homosexuality only existed when the siblings shared the same mother....

He suggests the effect is probably the result of a "maternal memory" in the womb for male births.

A woman's body may see a male foetus as "foreign", he says, prompting an immune reaction which may grow progressively stronger with each male child.

The antibodies created may affect the developing male brain.

So it is all the mother's fault.

What is the "just so" evolutionary justification for making younger sons more likely to be gay? Because second in importance to the instinct for reproduction is the instinct for fabulous fashion?

Posted by David Cohen at June 27, 2006 10:01 AM

Nothing in the article gives any reason to believe this conclusion, as opposed to the alternative idea that somehow mothers "baby" their youngest sons and cause a higher propensity for homosexuality. There is an amusing quote from a homosexual activist demonstrating his total lack of understanding of the definition of "genetic"...

Posted by: b at June 27, 2006 10:36 AM

This meshes with a theory I learned a few years back, that increased adrenaline during the pregnancy can alter the hormonal process & thus brain development. That was originally based on the observation that children in the womb during the Blitz showed a higher propensity to be homosexual.

One thought is that this has to do with increased population density--as population density increases, so does adrenalin--and with it, dysfunctional behaviors like homosexuality, child abuse, crime, etc. This can also be seen, I am told, in those macaque monkeys that live in such ridiculously large groups in Japan. You can argue--and some do--that this is evolution's way of keeping populations stable, so there's a just so story for you.

But more importantly, it means OJ's loathing of cities has some solid biological backing to it.

Posted by: Timothy at June 27, 2006 10:59 AM

There are two common explanations:

  1. The system is just buggy, the occurence of homosexuality is not a selected for feature, but a problem that's not common enough to be selected against.
  2. Younger brothers who don't breed but are available to help older brothers be more successful breeders are the best option in crowded environments. Note that helping your brother have two kids is just as successful, evolutionarily, as having one yourself.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at June 27, 2006 11:30 AM

Mother always gets the blame, but never, well hardly ever, gets the credit.

Posted by: erp at June 27, 2006 1:21 PM

Oh my, don't we have a little bit of every thing here. Maternal memory in the womb? A woman's body sees the male foetus as "foreign" (I assume that is because of the dirty bits) and "zaps" it with antibodies, but only the third one? No doubt it takes a mature and experienced womb to see just what jerks male foetuses can be. This guy outdoes the evolutionists in just-so stories, but it is interesting to see that the definition of "biologically natural" now includes scenarios where their mother's wombs were doing all they could to reject them.

BTW, Brock University? One doesn't like to be snobbish, but this is the equivalent of an undergrad prof at Southern Amalgamated A@M Teacher's College announcing he has just disproved germ theory.

Posted by: Peter B at June 27, 2006 2:38 PM

Any boy who has ever had an older brother knows that older brothers can sometimes act like bullies. The more older brothers a boy has the more difficult the situation can be. The Bible tells the story of how Joseph's eleven older brothers were incredibly cruel to him. If we go by the theory that homosexual men are in constant search for loving male figures they never had growing up, then it is easy to see how a boy with many older brothers would feel a desperate need to seek male intimacy.

Posted by: Vince at June 27, 2006 7:29 PM