June 16, 2006


Bush Signs Legislation On Broadcast Decency: Measure Boosts Maximum Fine to $325,000 (Peter Baker, June 16, 2006, Washington Post)

Complaining that television and radio shows in recent years have "too often pushed the bounds of decency," President Bush signed legislation yesterday to escalate dramatically the penalties against broadcasters who violate federal standards.

"The language is becoming coarser during the times when it's more likely children will be watching television," Bush said, citing a study of nighttime programming. "It's a bad trend, a bad sign." He noted that complaints to regulators have exploded since he took office. "People are saying, 'We're tired of it, and we expect the government to do something about it.' "

The ceremony came on a busy day for Bush as he tended to various matters in between his surprise visit to Baghdad this week and a domestic fundraising trip starting today followed by a European summit next week. In back-to-back events, Bush also gave a speech calling for action on stalled global trade talks, signed a bill to improve coal mine safety and authorized creation of the world's largest protected marine reserve.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 16, 2006 7:00 AM

Caught George Carlin on Leno flogging his new movie. He was quite subdued and his monologue was a tours de force not stand up comedy. I don't think he got in even one of his seven forbidden words.

He also had the good manners to look embarrassed as Leno asked Ann Coulter the usual stupid questions. I like Ann and agree with her methods, but she's in danger of becoming a caricature of herself and I'm afraid too much hair tossing may cause brain damage.

I was glad that there was a conservative cheering section in the audience. It's about time somebody thought of that.

Posted by: erp at June 16, 2006 8:58 AM