June 30, 2006
Early signs of elephant butchers (BBC, 6/30/06)
Bones and tusks dating back 400,000 years are the earliest signs in Britain of ancient humans butchering elephants for meat, say archaeologists.Posted by Orrin Judd at June 30, 2006 9:39 AM
I am still a bit curious - if there are no species, how can there be extinction?
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at June 30, 2006 6:25 PMBecause there's no such thing it's easy for us to get rid of them--they're just breeds after all. What matters is when God intervened and got rid of whole genuses.
Posted by: oj at June 30, 2006 6:34 PMIf only God would intervene and get rid of the "geniuses" too.
Posted by: jdkelly at June 30, 2006 8:19 PMjd:
Which is exactly what the demographic implosion of rationalist Europe is.
Posted by: oj at June 30, 2006 8:26 PM