April 21, 2006


Scientists cool outlook on global warming (Jennifer Harper, April 21, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Using temperature readings from the past 100 years, 1,000 computer simulations and the evidence left in ancient tree rings, Duke University scientists announced yesterday that "the magnitude of future global warming will likely fall well short of current highest predictions."

Supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, the Duke researchers noted that some observational studies predicted that the Earth's temperature could rise as much as 16 degrees in this century because of an increase in carbon dioxide or other so-called greenhouse gases.

The Duke estimates show the chances that the planet's temperature will rise even by 11 degrees is only 5 percent, which falls in line with previous, less-alarming predictions that meteorologists made almost three decades ago.

In recent years, much academic research has indicated otherwise, often in colorful terms and citing the United States as the biggest contributor to global warming.

F.D.A. Dismisses Medical Benefit From Marijuana (GARDINER HARRIS, 4/21/06, NY Times)
The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday that "no sound scientific studies" supported the medical use of marijuana, contradicting a 1999 review by a panel of highly regarded scientists.

The announcement inserts the health agency into yet another fierce political fight.

Susan Bro, an agency spokeswoman, said Thursday's statement resulted from a past combined review by federal drug enforcement, regulatory and research agencies that concluded "smoked marijuana has no currently accepted or proven medical use in the United States and is not an approved medical treatment."

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 21, 2006 9:01 AM

Ah, but this is DUKE - which has no credibility whatsoever anymore because it is the home of the privileged white youth.

Maybe Yale will have more PC results (oops....forgot about the janitorial and cafeteria worker's union problems). And that Taliban guy....

Maybe Harvard....nah - they've got issues with women and Cornel West had to flee for his life.

How about Penn State? A good scientific school - but their women's basketball coach just got fined for telling her players to dress nicely.

Posted by: ratbert at April 21, 2006 9:37 AM

Wouldn't the smoke emitting from marijuana cigarettes contribute to global warming?

Posted by: John at April 21, 2006 12:30 PM