March 10, 2006

WHEN ATOMS COLLIDE (via Fred Jacobsen):

Internet-Arranged Suicides Surge in Japan (HIROKO TABUCHI, 3/10/06, Associated Press)

Six young Japanese were found dead from asphyxiation in a car Friday, charcoal stoves still smoking beside them — apparently the latest victims of a surge in suicide pacts arranged over the Internet. [...]

"Depressed, young people and the Internet — it's a very dangerous mix," said Mafumi Usui, a psychology professor at Niigata Seiryo University.

"Many young people try to kill themselves but can't carry through. But when a group of strangers meet on an Internet suicide site, and someone suggests a specific way to die ... that's the dangerous dynamic behind the recent group suicides," Usui said.

Often designed with an ominous, pitch-black background, the Internet sites host chat rooms spilling over with death wishes and exchanges of ideas on how best to take your own life.

Most sites appear to be frequented largely by young people, some still in their early teens, who are troubled by bullying, romantic breakups or abusive relatives or a disconnect with family.

"When Japan was poor, families did more things together out of necessity, like sharing a bath or eating together, and the community was much more important, especially in rural communities," Usui said.

"But now it's increasingly all about the individual. This leaves people more isolated and likely to contemplate suicide," he said.

Yet folks still think of the Japanese as having extended families piled on top of each other....

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 10, 2006 9:34 PM

a medium sized war would stir their vigor and renew their ranks. look for a partial re-militarization of their society, soon.

Posted by: toe at March 10, 2006 10:24 PM

a medium sized war would stir their vigor and renew their ranks. look for a partial re-militarization of their society, soon.

They're going to remilitarise, sure . . . but with what? They don't have enough young men. Or young women. They're going to have import slave armies from Pakistan or India or something if they want to do much. Or hurry up on those slave robot armies.

Yet folks still think of the Japanese as having extended families piled on top of each other....

Since I read the Japanese press, I don't really have a good sense of what Americans think/know about Japan, but considering how long the shoushika problem has been going on, can Americans really be ignorant of the dwindling size of Japanese families? There aren't enough people in each family for a proper extended family. 8->4->2->1->0 and all.

Posted by: Taeyoung at March 11, 2006 6:46 AM

Based on the port kerfuffle it seems safe to say our ignorance is infinite.

Posted by: oj at March 11, 2006 7:25 AM

... and we're easily bored.

Posted by: erp at March 11, 2006 7:28 AM