March 21, 2006


Iraqi diplomat gave U.S. prewar WMD details: Saddam’s foreign minister told CIA the truth, so why didn’t agency listen? (Aram Roston, Lisa Myers, NBC News, 3/20/06)

In the period before the Iraq war, the CIA and the Bush administration erroneously believed that Saddam Hussein was hiding major programs for weapons of mass destruction. Now NBC News has learned that for a short time the CIA had contact with a secret source at the highest levels within Saddam Hussein’s government, who gave them information far more accurate than what they believed. It is a spy story that has never been told before, and raises new questions about prewar intelligence....

The sources say Sabri’s answers were much more accurate than his proclamations to the United Nations, where he demonized the U.S. and defended Saddam. At the same time, they also were closer to reality than the CIA's estimates, as spelled out in its October 2002 intelligence estimate.

For example, consider biological weapons, a key concern before the war. The CIA said Saddam had an "active" program for "R&D, production and weaponization" for biological agents such as anthrax. Intelligence sources say Sabri indicated Saddam had no significant, active biological weapons program. Sabri was right. After the war, it became clear that there was no program.

Another key issue was the nuclear question: How far away was Saddam from having a bomb? The CIA said if Saddam obtained enriched uranium, he could build a nuclear bomb in "several months to a year." Sabri said Saddam desperately wanted a bomb, but would need much more time than that. Sabri was more accurate.

On the issue of chemical weapons, the CIA said Saddam had stockpiled as much as "500 metric tons of chemical warfare agents" and had "renewed" production of deadly agents. Sabri said Iraq had stockpiled weapons and had "poison gas" left over from the first Gulf War. Both Sabri and the agency were wrong.

Wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the wall at NBC News this week:
Editor: What have we got for the third anniversary of the wa... excuse, Bush's reckless war?

Reporter 1: I've got a report on how international anti-war protests are sweeping the world, demonstrating that Bush has squandered the world's traditional love of all things American.

Reporter 2: I've got a report on two Harvard proffessors who say that Israeli lobbyists have captured American foreign policy.

Reporter 3: Uh, bad news, boss. I've got a report that the Iraqi Foreign Minister was passing Iraqi secrets along to the CIA before the war, including that Iraq was stockpiling WMD's, was in violation of the UN's resolutions and that Saddam still wanted to get his hands on a nuclear bomb.

Ed: We can't use that. Wait, did he say anything that was contrary to the administration?

Reporter 3: He denied that Iraq had any active WMD programs....

Ed: Great, run with that. Can't you guys even recognize the lede when you stumble over it?

Posted by David Cohen at March 21, 2006 4:29 PM

Let me get this straight. The perpetual Monday morning QB's over at NBC are saying the Administration should have somehow vetted out and trusted intelligence from an Iraqi spy (who is, for the sake of making our point here, "right" 66% of the time) instead of the CIA proper?

Oh, wait. NOW I get it. This is the setup story to "CIA says Administration discounted Sabri intel because it didn't fit their 'rush to war' meme."

Well done, fellas. A two-fer.

Posted by: John Resnick at March 21, 2006 5:25 PM

John: Except that he provides a WMD casus belli. Having undisclosed stockpiles of chemical weapons would have been a breach of the UN's resolutions and cause for war. I don't see how we could be expected to have better and more certain knowledge of what was going on inside of Iraq than the Foreign Minister.

Posted by: David Cohen at March 21, 2006 5:35 PM

Why would anyone have believed a then higher up member of Saddam's government?

Posted by: Steve at March 21, 2006 6:29 PM

David: True. But, since NBC says he's "wrong" on the WMD stockpiles intel, Bush was too. See? They think what we can't find, can't hurt us. If it was even ever there.

And when there's fineally enough reliable evidence to prove the stockpiles were moved to who knows where (by the Russians, et al, or whomever) then perhaps Mr. Sabri will have been half right. And then Bush will be? (wait for it......) WRONG!

Posted by: John Resnick at March 21, 2006 6:55 PM

OK...there was unreliable intelligence saying there were no more WMDs, and more reliable intelligence that said that there were negligible amounts of WMDs.
The war was and is a crime, and it's lack of logical grounds will only allow for the production of more false intelligence for more propagandizing for wars in the future.

Posted by: Huygens at March 21, 2006 10:01 PM

Huygens: what constitutes a "negligible amount of WMDs"? Nuclear weapons in particular. Go back and read paragraph 4 of the linked article again. "[Fill-in-the-blank] desperately wanted a bomb..." When fill-in-the-blank also has enough cash, then you can be sure he'll get the bomb, in due course, unless someone acts to prevent him. Saddam would have had them, and if not Saddam then Uday or Qusay. You okay with that?

Posted by: joe shropshire at March 21, 2006 10:30 PM

Grog: Once the Iraqi Foreign Minister has confirmed that Iraq is violating the agreement ending the Gulf War, we're not only justified but we're obligated to go in and finish the job.

Posted by: David Cohen at March 21, 2006 11:25 PM

Just more evidence that parts (at least) of the CIA were running a dis-information campaign to cover up the failure of the Clinton administration to keep Lybia, North Korea, and others from getting WMD, by keeping the least likely culprit number one on the hit parade.

Posted by: Chris B at March 22, 2006 8:14 AM

Chris: Isn't this CIA being relatively competent in turning the Iraqi Foreign Minister but treating his information cautiously?

Posted by: David Cohen at March 22, 2006 8:59 AM


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