March 25, 2006
Researchers peg Putin as a plagiarist over thesis (David R. Sands, 3/25/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)
Vladimir Putin -- KGB spy, politician, Russian Federation president, 2006 host of the Group of Eight international summit -- can add a new line to his resume: plagiarist.Posted by Orrin Judd at March 25, 2006 8:09 AM
Large chunks of Mr. Putin's mid-1990s economics dissertation on planning in the natural resources sector were lifted straight out of a management text published by two University of Pittsburgh academics nearly 20 years earlier, Washington researchers insisted yesterday.
Couldn't he even hire a grad assistant to do a slight re-write? I mean, for God's sake, this man was Mr. KGB!
Posted by: Mikey at March 25, 2006 12:37 PMNote that a US textbook qualified for a Commie Ph.D. We knew that, of course, but it's always good to have the actual sheepskin.
I think they'd abandoned Communism by then.
Posted by: Ali Choudhury at March 25, 2006 6:06 PMIt's hard to believe they pulled the wool over our eyes for almost 75 years. Of course, a lot of us were willing dupes, but when I think of the waste of all those lives, generations living in dreary squalor while we cringed in fear of their might, it makes me furious. Just like what's going on now. The same old tired, tested and been found wanting leftwing Kumbaya moonbat thinking.
Most days I'm optimistic we're winning, but some days I wonder?
Posted by: erp at March 25, 2006 7:33 PM