March 24, 2006
Sometimes I read livejournal. Livejournal, if you don't know, is the blogosphere for pathetic, lonely overweight women and the weasels who want to have sex with them. It is, by my estimation, 99 and 44/100 percent insane, frothing at the mouth liberal.
I saw the picture below as somebody's icon today.
Giant Evil Vampiric Bush sucks the living ichor from the Statue of Liberty! Roooaar! Bush smash!
Thomas Nast in his prime could not have come up wth a less subtle cartoon.
But now I want to see Giant Evil Vampiric Bush fight the alien-constructed Mecha-Bush.
But, wait, don't all those chicks think vampires are ubersexy?
Posted by: oj at March 24, 2006 9:51 AMThe post directly below this picture says:
I'd say that's a very good suggestion for people that wrought up.
Posted by: erp at March 24, 2006 10:02 AMThat was something comics painter Alex Ross did for the Village Voice.
Posted by: Ali Choudhury at March 24, 2006 10:13 AMThe livejournal blogs for the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity are just about the funniest things I've seen on the Internet.
Er, at least if you get combination livejournal and Mars-rover in-jokes ('I can't believe NASA freaked out and sent me to a shrink to talk about letting go of my memories!').
Posted by: Mike Earl at March 24, 2006 10:21 AMHm, the comment system here appears to be mangling links? The LJ usernames are "spiritrover" and "opportunitygrrl", if you were curious and couldn't figure it out from the oddly modified ones above.
Posted by: Mike Earl at March 24, 2006 10:25 AMBut now I want to see Giant Evil Vampiric Bush fight the alien-constructed Mecha-Bush.
I can see it now, the ultimate giant rubber monster movie: Gojira versus Mecha-Bushu!
Posted by: Mike Morley at March 24, 2006 10:46 AMWasn't this picture the cover illustration accompanying an article by our friend Rick Perlstein?
Posted by: b at March 24, 2006 11:55 AMWhat in hell is all this about?
I'd comment that the likeness of GWB, sans fangs, is an attractive representation considering others I've seen.
Beam me up Scotty.
Posted by: Genecis at March 24, 2006 12:38 PMWhat in hell is all this about?
I'd comment that the likeness of GWB, sans fangs, is an attractive representation considering others I've seen.
Beam me up Scotty.
Posted by: Genecis at March 24, 2006 12:38 PMActually, what Live Journal is is super cool free software and infrastructure, open source code, and a lot more impressive than its more "successful" counterpart, MySpace. There are no requirements when joining Live Journal that you have to hew to a particular ideology. There is diversity in content, if you look for it. You could start a conservative pro-Bush blog on LiveJournal if you wanted to and you'd get readers. What I am trying to say is that Live Journal represents one thing that is great about America, which is technological innovation and a happy civic desire to share views and express ourselves. But it is ideologically neutral in its offering, even though it turned out to sport a lot of left-of center and left-of-sex nutjobs.
Posted by: Rick at March 24, 2006 1:00 PM