March 27, 2006
I was wrong to say I'd quit, admits Blair (Neil Tweedie, 27/03/2006, Daily Telegraph)
Tony Blair appeared to admit that his decision to announce his intention to resign as Prime Minister was an error that has left him weaker and allowed his opponents to push for his early removal from No 10.He was speaking on Australian radio after a 19-hour non-stop flight to Melbourne as Downing Street insiders conceded that uncertainty over his departure was causing disquiet among MPs.
Their admission followed six weeks of relentless pressure during which controversy over the family finances of Tessa Jowell, the Culture Secretary, followed by the "loans for peerages" controversy, has reignited debate over the Labour succession. Sources close to the Prime Minister, who is touring Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia, say he has decided when to go but has not told even his closest friends.
Does sort of squander one of the chief advantages of the parliamentary system. Posted by Orrin Judd at March 27, 2006 6:42 AM
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AFP - US President George W. Bush made clear to British Prime Minister Tony Blair in January 2003 th [Read More]