March 1, 2006


Judge Overrules 15 Cubans' Ouster: U.S. Told to Look for Deportees (Darryl Fears, March 1, 2006, Washington Post )

A U.S. judge ruled yesterday that the federal government wrongly deported 15 Cuban refugees who clambered onto a broken bridge in the Florida Straits, thinking they had safely reached the United States.

U.S. District Judge Federico A. Moreno said the government should make a good-faith effort to retrieve the Cubans and bring them back to Florida. There was no indication whether Fidel Castro, the ruler of communist Cuba, would allow the men, women and children who were returned to leave that country.

Yesterday's ruling was met with exuberance in Miami's Cuban exile community. Activists have long questioned how U.S. officials enforce the "wet foot, dry foot" policy, so called because Cuban refugees who are caught at sea in their attempt to enter the country are sent back home and those who make it to land are generally allowed to stay.

Failure to get rid of the wet foot/dry foot policy and continuing to ship people back to a communist dictatorship is the worst blotch on the President's record.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 1, 2006 8:19 AM

Yes. Bush is to be condemned for these acts of cruelty and since he doesn't seem a cruel man, why is he allowing these people to be turned away?

Posted by: erp at March 1, 2006 1:47 PM

The bureaucrats haven't been under the control of the President since FDR made them all civil service.
There are only so many hours in the day, and I think these little acts by them is one of the ways that the left is fighting Bush. They hope to get him to waste his strength fighting a thousand tiny battles.

Posted by: Robert Mitchell Jr. at March 1, 2006 8:29 PM