March 18, 2006


Hunter gets captured by the fame: Brit soul singer breaks out in U.S. (Daniel Gewertz, March 18, 2006, Boston Herald)

James Hunter’s new CD, “People Gonna Talk,” arrives from Britain like a small miracle. It’s almost as if Sam Cooke and Jackie Wilson were reborn. Hunter doesn’t just imitate the sound of luxuriously melodic soul, circa 1961; he actually sounds as sweet and solid as the hit-makers of yesteryear.

The voice is rich and knowledgeable. The band is a tight sensation. And the graceful songs - all written and arranged by Hunter - uncannily evoke classic American pop r & b. You’d think they came directly from some solid-gold vault.

Yet singer-guitarist Hunter, who plays the Regattabar on Tuesday, insists his music is not a studied attempt at retro. He simply doesn’t know how to play anything else.

WXPN Artist To Watch - March 2006 - James Hunter (World Cafe)
-James Hunter: 'People Gonna Talk' (Michele Norris, March 8, 2006, All Things Considered)
-James Hunter and the Return of Analog Soul (David Dye, February 13, 2006, World Cafe)

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 18, 2006 8:52 AM

Just ordered, along with his "Kick it Around" CD so I could get free shipping.
Having spent all my teen years listening to Jackie and Sam, mostly radio , for some reason always left it to the female of the species to purchase the 45's, he really doesn't recall them to me.
Anyway, Hunter sounds great but much more reminds me of Solomon Burke. Listen again to Solomon's 2005 "Make Do With What You Got", sent you several months ago, to see if you agree.

Posted by: Mike Daley at March 18, 2006 9:14 PM
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