March 19, 2006


US ships in Somali pirate clash (Cathy Jenkins, 3/19/06, BBC News)

The US Navy says two of its warships have returned fire on a group of suspected pirates off the Somali coast, killing one person and wounding five. [...]

The navy statement said the two warships - the USS Cape St George, a guided missile cruiser, and the USS Gonzalez, a guided missile destroyer - were conducting maritime security operations about 25 nautical miles off the Somali coast when they spotted a suspect vessel towing two smaller skiffs.

The Gonzalez sent a team to board the vessel and noticed that a group of suspected pirates was brandishing what appeared to be rocket-propelled grenades.

According to the statement, the suspected pirates then opened fire on the navy ships, which returned fire with mounted machine guns in self-defence.

One suspected pirate was killed and a fire started on board the vessel.

Talk about punching over your weight....

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 19, 2006 10:23 AM

Oh, yes. Engage a Ticonderoga with an RPG you bought secondhand from some back-alley arms dealer in Mogadishu. Yeah, that's right, you can take him.


Posted by: Mike Morley at March 19, 2006 10:59 AM

This is why I keep saying muslims can't fight.

Islamic point/counterpoint tactical assesment:

-we have a couple of RPGs and some assault rifles

-They have two massive war ships

-we have allah!

-fire away.

Posted by: Amos at March 19, 2006 12:18 PM

You forget that martyrdom is their goal, not victory.

Posted by: erp at March 19, 2006 12:27 PM

What a bunch of crap. We have two war ships, and all we can accomplish is one dead and five wounded dirty bastards?

Posted by: AllenS at March 19, 2006 1:08 PM

it's the bold guppy syndrome.

Posted by: tow at March 19, 2006 1:54 PM

I've gotta agree with AllanS: you mean that's all we could do? Seems Amos left out part of the converstation: the part where they shoot to kill, while we shoot to hurt their feelings.

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at March 19, 2006 2:01 PM

Yeah you'd think the bored 20-year-old on the deck gun would have taken the opportunity to vaporize them.

Posted by: Amos at March 19, 2006 7:33 PM

They weren't Pirates - They were aquatic insurgents.

Posted by: California Job Case at March 19, 2006 11:33 PM

Pre- and post-combat pictures here.

What on earth could they have been thinking? I doubt they could have taken the USS Constitution in that thing...

Posted by: Mike Earl at March 20, 2006 10:37 AM


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» U.S. Navy Exchanges Gunfire With Suspected Pirates from Political News and Blog Aggregator
Two U.S. Navy ships exchanged gunfire with suspected pirates Saturday off the coast of Somalia, and [Read More]