March 27, 2006
Scientists bring home the bacon with healthy pig fat (Anita Srikameswaran, March 27, 2006, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
Someday you could eat bacon and ham instead of fish and nuts to get heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids into your diet.Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, the University of Missouri-Columbia's National Swine Resource and Research Center, and Massachusetts General Hospital have made pigs that produce the beneficial nutrients.
Omega-3 fatty acids cut triglyceride levels, the risk of irregular heartbeat, and the growth of artery-clogging atherosclerotic plaques, according to the American Heart Association. The association recommends eating fish, preferably fatty ones such as salmon, at least twice a week because it is rich in omega-3.
If you can improve on pork you shouldn't just get a Nobel, you should be beatified.
And for dessert, New chocolate marketed as heart healthy (Hilary E. MacGregor, March 22, 2006, Los Angeles Times)
After working below the radar on a cocoa farm deep in Brazil, and toiling for years over test tubes in food labs, scientists say they have developed a top-secret formula for an undisciplined candy lover's dream: a healthful chocolate bar.Posted by Orrin Judd at March 27, 2006 7:54 AMEating a couple of tiny slabs a day of this dark chocolate could lower cholesterol, relax your blood vessels and help ward off heart disease, they say.
Loaded with potent chemicals such as cocoa flavanols, plant sterols and soy -- and stamped with an icon that reads, "promotes a healthy heart" -- the CocoaVia line of chocolates has been available in select locations since October 2005. By April they'll be in mainstream grocery stores.
If the O3 pork tastes anything like the O3 eggs they can keep it. The O3 eggs taste of flax seed oil because they feed the chickens flax seed and flax seed oil tastes fishy. I prefer my neighbor's free range bantam eggs and my flax oil in a gelatin capsule afterwards.
Posted by: at March 27, 2006 9:06 AMI predict these pigs will have coronary disease in their youth, and autoimmune diseases in their old age.
The omega 3 hypothesis is over-simple, and tampering with their lipid biology is likely to have many unforeseen and destructive side effects. This is good science, but I wouldn't want to be the pigs, and I'll let someone else experiment with eating them.
Posted by: pj at March 27, 2006 11:23 AMI will try the chocolate though.
Posted by: pj at March 27, 2006 11:26 AMNow if they could just make a pig that chews its cud.
Posted by: David Cohen at March 27, 2006 11:36 AMAs long as they don't make them much leaner. Who wants to BBQ a Boston Butt that's not adequately marbled with fat? It'd never withstand the 8 hours of slow smoking. OTOH, I've been trying to convince folks for years that BBQ is healthfood. Maybe this would be enough of a gimick to make it partially true.
Posted by: John Resnick at March 27, 2006 3:20 PMFree range beef naturally has plenty of Omega-3s.
So do sardines.
Note that if your beef is cheap, and doesn't say "free range", it's not.
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