March 2, 2006
Bill Clinton advises Dubai as Hillary attacks its US ports deal (AFP, 3/02/06)
Former president Bill Clinton has privately advised Dubai officials how to address US political concerns over a controversial ports deal, as his wife, Senator Hillary Clinton, publicly attacks the deal....This is the sort of quality entertainment that the current administration never provides. Posted by David Cohen at March 2, 2006 12:50 PMSenator Clinton has voiced vigorous opposition to the 5.7-billion-euro (6.8-billion-dollar) takeover, saying it threatens US national security....
Meanwhile, the Financial Times reported Thursday her husband -- who it said was paid 300,000 dollars in 2002 to address a summit in Dubai -- has advised Dubai officials how to soothe US concerns over the deal.
The MSM will give the Clintons a pass on the he vs. she aspect and instead portray this as sainted Bill coming in to save a deal that dumb old Bush couldn't get by a GOP friendly Congress.
Posted by: AWW at March 2, 2006 1:09 PMbill will do her in before he will let her be president.
Posted by: toe at March 2, 2006 1:10 PMI got to wondering today--when's the deadline for entering the NY Senate race? Could Rudy decide to run at the last minute? He obviously has no national infrastructure set up for a Presidential run, so what's he planning to do with the rest of his life?
Posted by: b at March 2, 2006 1:51 PMIt's really true: you can't make this stuff up.
Just think, if Hillary were president, Bill could collect consulting/speaking/legal fees from those doing business with the United States.
Posted by: Lou Gots at March 2, 2006 2:14 PM
It's really true: you can't make this stuff up.
Just think, if Hillary were president, Bill could collect consulting/speaking/legal fees from those doing business with the United States.
Posted by: Lou Gots at March 2, 2006 2:14 PM
I can see it now - President Hillary giving a press conference to an adoring press corps about the judicious and merciful use of the pardon, while Bill is on the phone across the street at the Hay-Adams, negotiating dozens of them a week.
"Nothing going on controlling legal authority.....move right along....."
Posted by: ratbert at March 2, 2006 3:32 PMtoe, I think it would be the other way around. The widow lady would win in a landslide.
Posted by: erp at March 2, 2006 5:53 PM2 comments:
1) I agree with Toe that Bill will do whatever he can to undermine Hillary so he won't have to be the first male First Lady.
2) as for David's comment that "This is the sort of quality entertainment that the current administration never provides" I'd have to say that the VP filling a friend with bird shot seems pretty funny to me. (Of course, because I know the guy survived.)
Posted by: Foos at March 2, 2006 10:22 PMFoos:
Bill would be "First Gentleman". Oh the fun we extreme right wing, fascist, theocratic, out of the mainstream zombies would have with that!!
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Former President Bill Clinton not only had some nice words for Dubai, he advised its top officials o [Read More]