March 21, 2006
Vietnam-era deserter sorry he did it (The Associated Press, 3/20/06)
A Vietnam war-era deserter who was caught crossing into the United States and held for a week recently says he made a mistake when he went AWOL from the Marine Corps in 1968 and fled to Vancouver."When I was 18, I wasn't aware that duty and honor would mean as much to me as they do now," Allen Abney, 56, told a news conference Monday in this southeast British Columbia town.
"Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have done what I did 38 years ago," he said. "It wasn't worth it, all the pain I caused my family."
Abney said new anti-terrorist requirements for identification resulted in his arrest at the Eastport crossing at the northern end of the Idaho Panhandle.
He had used the same crossing countless times before, but March 9 was the first time he had to show his birth certificate as identification.
When the Customs agent asked him to pull over, Abney said, he looked at his wife and said, "I'm screwed."
Tell it to the South Vietnamese. Posted by Orrin Judd at March 21, 2006 4:48 PM
I wonder why he didn't use Carter's Get Out of Jail Card.
Posted by: erp at March 21, 2006 5:50 PMHe wasn't a draft-dodger, he's a deserter.
Similar, but not the same.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen![[TypeKey Profile Page]](
I think Carter's amnesty covered it all even out-and-out traitors like Kerry.
Posted by: erp at March 21, 2006 6:36 PMHe said: "I am proud to have served with the Marines. Other than our own Canadian Forces, they are the finest fighting force in the world. They deserve our support." What a self-serving little bitch. At the time, he joined the Marines, it's not as if he was drafted into a situation he didn't want. Grab him by the short hairs, and shake him hard.
Heh...."Other than our own Canadian Forces, they are the finest fighting force in the world."
I read that there are more people in Ohio with concealed carry permits than there are in the combined Canadian Armed Forces. That ought to be a great comfort to the Canadians that a small portion of the population of Ohio could repel any assualt by the Canucks.
Details for those inclined:
Posted by: Jeff at March 21, 2006 7:24 PMI don't have time to look this up right now, perhaps later. My independent recollection is that the party of acid, amnesty and abortion extended amnesty to both evaders and deserters.
I seem to recall than one had to make application for amnesty within a certain time period, which, of course, has lapsed.
This guy probably could have been prosecuted as a deserter, but what's the point. Better to have him permanently excluded as an undesireable alien.
What he did was comtemptible. He betrayed more than the South Vietnamese. He knows that. He was a Marine once.
Posted by: Lou Gots at March 21, 2006 8:27 PMYeah, we know how proud the Vietnam vets are to have fought in the war; you can ask them as they lay insane, homeless, and drug addicted on the streets. They, along with slave-traders in Vietnam, certainly testify to the benefits we now reap from killing millions in what, outside the disturbing rhetoric I observe on this blog, is typically agreed to be an unnecessary war that was lost by the United States.
Posted by: Greg at March 21, 2006 9:41 PMWhat is it that distinguishes the Minutemen from Iraqi insurgents?
Posted by: Chanticleer at March 21, 2006 9:49 PMGreg-
Your comments are absurd.
You should keep reading more posts here, you may learn something.
Posted by: JackSheet at March 21, 2006 10:06 PMThe trolls seem to be busy tonight.
Posted by: Mike Morley at March 21, 2006 10:11 PMWait a minute: Does this mean OJ is in favor of checking the IDs of people coming into the U.S...?
Posted by: PapayaSF at March 21, 2006 10:58 PMPapaya:
Of course, we should check everyone who comes into the United States.
Posted by: oj at March 21, 2006 11:01 PM"insane, homeless, and drug addicted on the streets."
Wow, someone here seems to have obtained everything he "knows" from Hollywood.
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at March 21, 2006 11:18 PMOJ, I don't see how that squares with your constant support of illegal immigration and denigration of those who want all immigration to be legal.
Posted by: PapayaSF at March 22, 2006 1:36 AMThe war in Iraq has revealed the hypocrisy of the “war on terrorism.” And the government of the United States, indeed governments everywhere, are becoming exposed as untrustworthy: that is, not to be entrusted with the safety of human beings, or the safety of the planet, or the guarding of its air, its water, its natural wealth, or the curing of poverty and disease, or coping with the alarming growth of natural disasters that plague so many of the six billion people on Earth.
I don’t believe that our government will be able to do once more what it did after Vietnam—prepare the population for still another plunge into violence and dishonor. It seems to me that when the war in Iraq ends, and the war syndrome heals, that there will be a great opportunity to make that healing permanent.
My hope is that the memory of death and disgrace will be so intense that the people of the United States will be able to listen to a message that the rest of the world, sobered by wars without end, can also understand: that war itself is the enemy of the human race.
Governments will resist this message. But their power is dependent on the obedience of the citizenry. When that is withdrawn, governments are helpless. We have seen this again and again in history.
The abolition of war has become not only desirable but absolutely necessary if the planet is to be saved. It is an idea whose time has come.
"Greg", "Chanticleer" and "Howard Zinn" are all Grog.
Posted by: David Cohen at March 22, 2006 7:23 AMGiven Howard Zinn's rather notorious history of betting on the wrong horse (the Soviet Union, for example) one wonders why anyone would listen to him at all these days.
But it is nice to have Grog the prodigal troll back, even if it is under a different name.
"The abolition of war has become not only desirable but absolutely necessary if the planet is to be saved. It is an idea whose time has come."
That's the funniest thing I've read all morning. "Oooh, that's like, so deep, man! If only we abolished war, then there would be like, no war! Wow, man, you just blew my mind!"
Is it any wonder why stoned out college kids are the only people who still take Howard Zinn seriously?
Why not? I think the immigrants should be legalized and the process regularized. Let in every able-bodied Christian Latino willing to work and dedicated to American ideals. Keep out the riff-raff.
Posted by: oj at March 22, 2006 8:30 AMImagine, our own Grog, a notorious emeritus from BU. No wonder his comments, unlike a certain testy troll who shall remain nameless, are at least correctly spelled and punctuated, even if they don't make any more sense.
BTW - I agree the deserter in this story shouldn't be prosecuted, just not allowed to enter the country.
Posted by: erp at March 22, 2006 8:31 AM"Must I shoot a simple-minded soldier boy who deserts, while I must not touch a hair of a wily agitator who induces him to desert? I think that in such a case, to silence the agitator, and save the boy, is not only constitutional, but, withal, a great mercy."--Lincoln
Funny how the Dems keep nominating their wily agitators--"Wily Agitator in '08!".
Posted by: Noel at March 22, 2006 9:06 AMWhat's really hilarious about Zinn's statement is that he goes on and on about how untrustworthy government is, yet his plans of action all involve vastly strengthening that very same government.
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at March 22, 2006 11:25 AMOJ, when most people object to illegal immigration, it's because they want to "keep out the riff-raff" as you say. And the way to do that is with legal immigration, so we can make sure the immigrant is not a gangster, is free of communicable disease, etc. (And, frankly, so that we don't get too many: immigration is a good thing, but it's possible to have too much of a good thing.)
So it still seems like your desire to check IDs at the door doesn't fit with your attacks on those who want to stop illegal (not legal) immigration.
Posted by: PapayaSF at March 22, 2006 12:12 PMPapaya:
Yes, but as you note you really just want to use it to stop immigration.
Posted by: oj at March 22, 2006 12:17 PMMr. Zinn, or whoever you are, we played that one in WW1 and it didn't seem to work too well.
Greg,"as they lay insane, homeless, and drug addicted on the street." I've seen exactly that, except it was in Vancouver B.C. and I doubt they were Nam Vets. Perhaps artfull dodgers, deserters or other despicables, but if Americans at all, most likely the spawn of the 70's raised on Dr. Spock and inspired by Zinn's "alternatve history" of the USA.
Back to the post: I agree with all the USMC did except they should have formerly drummed him out of the Corps and off the base, then drive him to the bus station, under armed guard, and leave him there with a paid for bus ticket home. That's the way we used to do it.
Gen, the streets around my son's posh apartment in SF are also littered with these same "insane, homeless, and drug addicted" types. You think they're illegals who sneaked (snuck?) in from Canada ?
Posted by: erp at March 22, 2006 1:39 PMNoel: And I can see the arguments in favor of Wile E. Agitator. "You other guys should give up, because Wile E. Agitator is a genius, in fact he's a super-genius! You're guy's a sub-literate chimp!"
"Wile E. Agitator - Super Genius 2008"
Erp, if they are Vietnam War vets, they would be at the youngest about 54 or so. That war was a long time ago.
Posted by: Mikey at March 22, 2006 4:11 PMErp, Snuck worked around the NYC area in the old days ... and probably still does.
"Word of the Day" says: Many people object to snuck, but that has been changing and is likely to change further as younger snuck-ful speakers age and enter the mainstream. Sneaked is still somewhat more common in print, but that is probably reflective of the fact that sneaked is favored by more conservative editors and copy editors.
Therefore, we'd better use sneaked on this blog and snuck over at Kos during bombing runs.
Mikey, yup that's about right. Haven't seen too many younguns in the doorways on Pacific Street.
Posted by: erp at March 22, 2006 6:14 PM"insane, homeless and drug addicted"
Never noticed that about my brother and brother-in-law, but they do have other bad habits.
"snuck" has to be the correct usage, at least in Downstate Illinois.
Posted by: jdkelly at March 22, 2006 6:15 PMTo echo AOG, governments are indeed untrustworthy, but what's the alternative ?
Zinn wants the great unwashed to pay attention and rise up, and they are capable of doing so, but they are completely incapable of continuing to pay attention.
That's exactly what democratic representative government is designed to fix.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen![[TypeKey Profile Page]](