March 21, 2006
Dem Focus on Unmarried Voters Ducks Their Problem (Peter Brown, 3/21/06, Real Clear Politics)
There they go again.Democrats lost the 2004 presidential election even though they met the party's goal of turning out more of their targeted voters.
Now they have decided to target a new demographic group. But, that group is made up of mostly the same people they have focused on over the years during which they lost their grip on the nation's political power.
Their new target: unmarried people, especially single women.
The real problem is that Statism requires that people be sufficiently atomized from one another and from countervailing social institutions that they are completely dependent on government. Because single women are the natural constituency of the Democrats the party has a vested interest in keeping them that way. Their political success depends on maintaining the insecurity of their supposed constituents. Posted by Orrin Judd at March 21, 2006 2:06 PM
Yep, and how will they get the single women to leave all their cats behind for an hour and vote? Free pints of Hagen Daz? Showings of "Sex and the City" at the polling places?
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at March 21, 2006 2:57 PMHave they conceded soccer moms to Bush?
Posted by: erp at March 21, 2006 3:29 PMThis is the stupidest poitical strategy I can imagine. If you look at the census breakdown of the 2004 electorate (see here, Table 11) and total all the single women (spouse absent, widowed, divorced, separated, never married) who voted, it is only 22.7% of the total voters.
Posted by: jd watson![[TypeKey Profile Page]](