March 9, 2006
Skip the whole milk. Pass on soda. Drink beer? (MSN, March 9th, 2006)
Some prominent nutrition experts put out new guidelines Wednesday urging Americans to cut back on calorie-rich sodas while allowing more leeway for alcohol and lots of room for tea and coffee -- up to 40 ounces a day.That's more than three tall cups at Starbucks, although that might bust suggested limits on caffeine.
They also allow men three times as much beer as sugary soda.
The womenfolk are restricted to sarsaparilla, although they are permitted a small sherry at Christmas.
Posted by Peter Burnet at March 9, 2006 1:07 PMComments
Mmmmmm . . . beer.
Posted by: Mike Morley at March 9, 2006 1:57 PMOhboy,ohboy,ohboy-40ouncesofcoffeeaday,thoughthosenutritionexpertsmaybecreatinganewproblemevenastheyridAmericaofcarbonatedbeverage-filledoverweightpeople.
Posted by: John at March 9, 2006 2:54 PMCome on - let the ladies have laudanum if they want it. Just tell 'em not to give it to the child for teething pain...
Posted by: M. Murcek at March 9, 2006 3:15 PM