March 28, 2006


Black leaders send gov ultimatum (DAVE MCKINNEY AND FRAN SPIELMAN, March 28, 2006, Chicago Sun-Times)

The Chicago City Council's black caucus met with state Sen. James Meeks on Monday and agreed to back Meeks' possible third-party gubernatorial bid unless Gov. Blagojevich commits as much as $4 billion during the next four years to African-American causes.

"If the governor doesn't meet the needs of the African-American community, then we're not going to support his candidacy, and we're going to move forward with supporting Rev. Meeks," said Ald. Anthony Beale (9th). [...]

Today marks the first day that Meeks (D-Chicago) could put nominating petitions on the street to gather the necessary 25,000 signatures required by late June to join Blagojevich and Republican Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka on the Nov. 7 ballot. There were no signs that effort materialized as of Monday night. Meeks did not return calls left at his Chicago answering service or Springfield legislative office.

Mayor Daley, meanwhile, weighed in on the potentially devastating threat Meeks poses to Blagojevich.

When asked if Meeks had the ability to torpedo Blagojevich and perhaps the rest of the Democratic ticket in the fall, the mayor said, "Sure. Sure, that's happened before. That's a reality."

In 1986, two supporters of political extremist Lyndon LaRouche scored stunning upsets for lieutenant governor and secretary of state in the statewide Democratic primary, wrecking the Democrats' efforts to unseat Republican Gov. James R. Thompson.

Mr. Blagojevich seems exactly dumb enough to announce that he won't give in to blackmail.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 28, 2006 9:09 AM

Of course, we all know that what was really said is "you're paying off all your cronies, we need to see some state cash in our cronies' pockets if you want the votes". Surely no one believes that any of that money would benefit any African Americans who aren't politically connected.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at March 28, 2006 9:46 AM

The inside scoop is that Meeks won't run under any circumstance. If that is incorrect, then Blago is certainly better off caving than he is getting an independent candidate draining votes.

Just so you know OJ, I'm still doing all I can to find a independent to drain votes from Toopinka.

Illiois is going to be gang-raped in 2007, no matter who wins. I don't want any Republicans on the Video tape. If Topinka get into office, she'll be the one holding the camera.

Posted by: Bruno at March 28, 2006 6:58 PM