March 9, 2006


Still Dubious About Dubai? (Robert M. Green, 09 Mar 2006, Tech Central Station)

More studied reasons for supposing port security in the U.S. could improve under DP World begin with the company's demonstrated ability to significantly grow its business managing shipping hubs while operating within environs associated with terrorism. In the same period that terrorist Web sites have increasingly advised jihadists on different ways of attacking or infiltrating ports and commercial maritime activities, the port of Dubai in UAE has soared from a mid-level operation to one of the busiest ports in the world.

Carved from the Dubai Ports Authority, the company's reputation for technological implementation dates back to its project to automate many of its processes in the 1990s. At that time, Dubai became one of the first ports in the world to implement so-called e-shipping, digitizing most of its planning, scheduling and operations while "building out" a CRM (customer relations management)/Web portal system that was one of the first of its kind used by a port.

According to American e-commerce experts who followed the UAE technology implementation as it has evolved, it was Dubai's willingness to invest in IT that allowed it to offer container shipping and related services at lowered costs for its customers. Last year, a Homeland Security official called the two-terminal Dubai facility "modern and extremely efficient ports."

While the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and the implementation of the White House-backed Container Security Initiative (CSI) tested the resilience of port operators both here and abroad, the port of Dubai continued even in that period to grow both in volume and influence in worldwide shipping. In 2004 Dubai made another bold-stroke decision, becoming the first Middle Eastern port (and 35th overall) to agree to the CSI, signing formally last March. CSI gives U.S. Customs personnel a foothold in foreign ports and requires that state-of-the-art security systems such as gamma ray, x-ray and radiological detection systems be implemented for cargo inspection.

Dubai's interest in security has seemingly followed the same upward curve that most critical infrastructure operators have followed. All confront greater threats from terror groups, and particularly from al Qaeda.

If only the objections had anything to do with security.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 9, 2006 7:14 AM

The objections have to do with insecurity, which has a lot to do with votes in November. You understand this, it just sticks in your craw -- like Harriet's withdrawal.

Look, OJ, the manservant who fetches your slippers and paper has a vote equal to your own and he, I assure you, since you'd never deign to ask him, is uncomfortable with letting the good friends of terrorists run our ports.

Posted by: Palmcroft at March 9, 2006 12:38 PM


He also hates blacks, Jews and Latinos. Doesn't make them good policies.

Posted by: oj at March 9, 2006 12:48 PM