January 23, 2006


Canada's surging conservatives: Monday's election is expected to end the Liberals' 13-year hold on power. (Rebecca Cook Dube, 1/23/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

Perhaps the most dramatic campaign story has unfolded in Quebec, where Conservatives failed to win a single seat in the last election. According to a recent poll, the Conservatives' leader, Stephen Harper, is more popular in Quebec than he is in his home province of Alberta, the most conservative region in the country.

"That's like saying George Bush has higher positives [ratings] in Massachusetts than in the state of Texas," says Tim Woolstencroft, managing partner with Strategic Counsel, the Toronto firm that conducted the poll. "It's stunning." Nationwide, Mr. Harper's favorable rating is over 50 percent.

Posted by Orrin Judd at January 23, 2006 4:02 PM

Whatever happens tonight, this is an astounding, richly-deserved personal triumph for Harper. As recently as a couple of months ago, even fervant conservatives like your loyal scribe were wondering whether he could ever shake the dusty wonk image or rise above spin. Never have I been so happy to be wrong and apologize.

Also, the entire West deserves great, great credit for keeping regional resentments and whines out of this campaign and stifling the Quebec-bashing. There wasn't one incident. As a result, Quebecers and Quebec journalists have become totally smitten with the Tories. They'll only pick up a few seats there (zero organization), but the psychological impact is enormous and guarantees Harper will have a true national government, even if it is a minority. (My bet is 140 seats, although everyone is ready for a surprise roll). They are tomorrow's guys for sure.

BTW, as a public service announcement, Canadian posters here are reminded that is it an offence to publish or report results on the Internet while polls are still open in parts of the country (until 10:00pm EST). Unlikely as it is that this site is being tracked, there are still a couple of poor sods from the blogosphere fighting charges from last time.

Posted by: Peter B at January 23, 2006 5:59 PM

I would encourage anyone who has results from the East to let us know immediately! This is an American web site and need not obey Canadian law!

Michael Moore ignores Canadian Law by endorsing the LIEberals, even though he is not a Canuck.

I'll be checking this page every 15 minutes for the results. Who will be brave enough to keep us informed?

Posted by: obc at January 23, 2006 7:53 PM

Oh heck, obc, you are right. What do I care about silly Liberal-imposed laws. You want results from the East? Well, let me tell you, the East is voting.

Stay tuned.

Posted by: Peter B at January 23, 2006 8:29 PM

At 7 p.m. Pacific time we'll see the results everywhere, but the vote from the Atlantic provinces is coming in right now! If anyone has those results, post them NOW!! I can't wait until 7 p.m. THANKS!

Posted by: obc at January 23, 2006 8:36 PM

Just heard that the riding of Avalon in Newfoundland has elected a Conservative, defeating the Liberal incumbent!

Posted by: obc at January 23, 2006 8:54 PM

Here are some initial results. Some Conservative gains but not as much as I had hoped.

Newfoundland & Labrador

• Bonavista–Gander–Grand Falls–Windsor LIB ELECTED
• Humber-St.Barbe-Baie Verte LIB ELECTED
• Labrador LIB ELECTED
• Random-Burin-St.George's LIBL ELECTED
• St. John's East CPC LEADING
• St. John's South–Mount Pearl CPC LEADING

Nova Scotia

• Cape Breton-Canso LIB ELECTED
• Central Nova CPC ELECTED
• Cumberland–Colchester–Musquodoboit Valley CPC ELECTED

Posted by: obc at January 23, 2006 9:13 PM

Just caught this:

"Just as we get set to vote tomorrow, $250 energy rebate cheques are being sent to criminals behind bars, who already got to cast their vote in the comfort of their cells, heated by our tax dollars."

Are we even surprised?

Posted by: obc at January 23, 2006 9:36 PM