January 20, 2006


Diplomacy has failed and the choice is clear (Michael Costello, The Australian, January 20th, 2006)

The world will either have to accept an Iran with nuclear weapons or it will have to use force to destroy its capability.

It may well be that the right judgment is that, given the high risks of military action, we should accept a nuclear Iran, seek to contain it and hope its extremism will moderate over time. But the point of this stark statement of alternatives is that the debate on Iraq's nuclear activities should put aside wishful thinking.

Diplomacy has not worked and will not work. [...]

All in all, a terrifying mess.

Perhaps someone will now listen to the head of the IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, who has every reason to dislike the Americans. ElBaradei has reminded everyone of Iran's record of cheating on IAEA safeguards. He said he could not confirm Iran's programs were peaceful. He said it was possible that "they are really not very far - a few months - from a weapon".

"Diplomacy has to be backed by pressure and in extreme cases by force," he said.

So there it is. The threat may be a few years away or it may be a few months away. The choice is hard on the world, and above all on Israel. Acceptance or force: either way dreadful. But inaction, pretending diplomacy is another option, is in practice a choice for acceptance. So let's not fool ourselves. Choose.

It will be depressing to watch the mental and intellectual hoops Western elites will jump through in the coming months to deny this reality.

Posted by Peter Burnet at January 20, 2006 8:29 AM

Mr. ElBaradei has some skin in the game this time, being Egyptian.

Posted by: Rick T. at January 20, 2006 10:34 AM

We can always hope that finally, for once, we'll get to see some lefty windbag's head explode on teevee...

Posted by: M. Murcek at January 20, 2006 10:35 AM

Yes, the caviling and excuses for inaction will certainly be trotted out, and comparisons to the situation in the Rhineland circa 1935-37 will be denied.

Like Dean Esmay said in a recent post:

" Just for the record? I believe that 5 years from now, people will be saying "We wish we had done that back then when it was easy." "

Can't we all just get along? Sadly, no.

Posted by: Bruce Cleaver at January 20, 2006 10:57 AM

We do need some time to pass before we take any action to consolidate Iraq and distribute our remaining forces in hardened positions in Kurdistan and Afghanistan. As in chess, Iran will see itself checked unless they attempt suicide, keeping in mind they gave the world the suicide bomber; thank you Jimmy Carter.

Should we decide to act, Israel could feint an attack that would cause the Iranian AF to swarm and we could then essentially wipe it out and all its supporting facilities. In conjunction, we could issue an ultimatum giving them 1 hour to make a decision about the future of their nukes or their acceptance of an apocalyptic strike. Or something like that.

Posted by: Genecis at January 20, 2006 11:25 AM

Peter: The proprietor of this very site inexplicably denies this reality...

Posted by: b at January 20, 2006 11:28 AM

Nuke them until they glow.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at January 21, 2006 12:57 AM