November 4, 2005


Intifada in France (New York Sun Staff Editorial, November 4, 2005)

If President Chirac thought he was going to gain peace with the Muslim community in France by taking an appeasement line in the Iraq war, it certainly looks like he miscalculated. Today the streets of the French capital are looking more like Ramallah and less like the advanced, sophisticated, gay Paree image Monsieur Chirac likes to portray to the world, and the story, which is just starting to grip the world's attention, is full of ironies. One is tempted to suggest that Prime Minister Sharon send a note cautioning Monsieur Chirac about cycles of violence.

Back in the 1990s, the French sneered at America for the Los Angeles riots. As the Chicago Sun-Times reported in 1992: "the consensus of French pundits is that something on the scale of the Los Angeles riots could not happen here, mainly because France is a more humane, less racist place with a much stronger commitment to social welfare programs." President Mitterrand, the Washington Post reported in 1992, blamed the riots on the "conservative society" that Presidents Reagan and Bush had created and said France is different because it "is the country where the level of social protection is the highest in the world."

Small, petty, and unChristian it may be, but who can even pretend not to be enjoying this?

Paris Burning (Robert Spencer, November 4, 2005,

In her seminal Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis, historian Bat Ye’or details a series of agreements between the European Union and the Arab League that guaranteed that Muslim immigrants in Europe would not be compelled in any way to adapt “to the customs of the host countries.” On the contrary, the Euro-Arab Dialogue’s Hamburg Symposium of 1983, to take just one of many examples, recommended that non-Muslim Europeans be made “more aware of the cultural background of migrants, by promoting cultural activities of the immigrant communities or ‘supplying adequate information on the culture of the migrant communities in the school curricula.’” Not only that: “Access to the mass media had to be facilitated to the migrants in order to ensure ‘regular information in their own language about their own culture as well as about the conditions of life in the host country.”

The European Union has implemented such recommendations for decades — so far from playing down the differences between ethnic groups, they have instead stood by approvingly while immigrants formed non-assimilated Islamic enclaves within Europe. Indeed, as Bat Ye’or demonstrates, they have assured the Arab League in multiple agreements that they would aid in the creation and maintenance of such enclaves. Ignorance of the jihad ideology among European officials has allowed that ideology to spread in those enclaves, unchecked until relatively recently.

Consequently, among a generation of Muslims born in Europe, significant numbers have nothing but contempt and disdain for their native lands, and allegiance only to the Muslim umma and the lands of their parents’ birth. Those who continue to arrive in Europe from Muslim countries are encouraged by the isolation, self-imposed and other-abetted, of the Islamic communities in Europe to hold to the same attitudes. The Arab European League, a Muslim advocacy group operating in Belgium and the Netherlands, states as part of its “vision and philosophy” that “we believe in a multicultural society as a social and political model where different cultures coexist with equal rights under the law.” It strongly rejects for Muslims any idea of assimilation or integration into European societies: “We do not want to assimilate and we do not want to be stuck somewhere in the middle. We want to foster our own identity and culture while being law abiding and worthy citizens of the countries where we live. In order to achieve that it is imperative for us to teach our children the Arabic language and history and the Islamic faith. We will resist any attempt to strip us of our right to our own cultural and religious identity, as we believe it is one of the most fundamental human rights.” AEL founder Dyab Abou Jahjah, who was himself arrested in November 2002 and charged with inciting Muslims in Antwerp to riot (Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt said that the AEL was “trying to terrorize the city”[2]), has declared: “Assimilation is cultural rape. It means renouncing your identity, becoming like the others.” He implied that European Muslims had a right to bring the ideology of jihad and Sharia to Europe, complaining that in Europe “I could still eat certain dishes from the Middle East, but I cannot have certain thoughts that are based on ideologies and ideas from the Middle East.”

What kind of ideologies? Perhaps Hani Ramadan, grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan Al-Banna and brother of the famed self-proclaimed moderate Muslim spokesman Tariq Ramadan, gave a hint when he defended the traditional Islamic Sharia punishment of stoning for adultery in the Paris journal Le Monde. In Denmark, politician Fatima Shah echoed the same sentiments in November 2004. That same month, filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, who had made a film, Submission, about the oppression of women by Islamic law, was murdered in Holland by a Muslim, Mohammed Bouyeri. Bouyeri later declared in court: “I did what I did purely out my beliefs. I want you to know that I acted out of conviction and not that I took his life because he was Dutch or because I was Moroccan and felt insulted.” In other words, his problem was religious, not racial: Van Gogh had blasphemed Islam, and so according to Islamic law he had to die. Significantly, Bouyeri maintained during his trial that he did not recognize the authority of the Dutch court, but only of the law of Islam.

How many European Muslims share the sentiments of Mohammed Bouyeri? How many of these are rioting this week in Paris? Alleviating Muslim unemployment and poverty will not ultimately do anything to alter this rejection of European values by growing numbers of people who are only geographically Europeans. And the problem cannot be ignored. For France is not alone: Muslims in Århus, Denmark have also been rioting this week. And in France, Sarkozy recently revealed that this week’s riots are just a particularly virulent flare-up of an ongoing pattern of violence: he told Le Monde that twenty to forty cars are set afire nightly in Paris’ restive Muslim suburbs, and no fewer than nine thousand police cars have been stoned since the beginning of 2005.

Blame for the riots in France has thus far focused on Sarkozy’s tough talk about ending this violence. On October 19 he declared of the suburbs that “they have to be cleaned — we’re going to make them as clean as a whistle.” Six days after this, Muslim protestors threw stones and bottles at him when he visited the suburb of Argenteuil. He has been roundly criticized for calling the rioters “scum”; one of them responded, “We’re not scum. We’re human beings, but we’re neglected.” However, as a solution the same man recommended only more neglect, saying of the Paris riot police: “If they didn’t come here, into our area, nothing would happen. If they come here it’s to provoke us, so we provoke back.” Others complained of rough treatment they have received since 9/11 from police searching for terrorists: “It’s the way they stop and search people, kneeing them between the legs as they put them up against the wall. They get students mixed up with the worst offenders, yet these young people have done nothing wrong.”

But of course, all these problems are exacerbated by the non-assimilation policy that both the French government and the Muslim population have for so long pursued: the rioters are part of a population that has never considered itself French. Nor do French officials seem able or willing to face that this is the core of their problem today.

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 4, 2005 9:06 AM

Intifada implies its all muslims doing the
rioting when it is not.

Posted by: J.H. at November 4, 2005 9:17 AM

J.H.: How does one determine what percentage of the Muslim population is contributing to the disorder? According to "No Pasaran", the French media would have us believe that whatever small riots may have taken place earlier, peace has been restored, grievences will be resolved, and the two electricuted boys will have their lives restored. It was all a misunderstanding.

Posted by: ed at November 4, 2005 9:34 AM

The really enjoyable part is seeing the big media outlets completely flummoxed on how to handle the "news analysis" angle of this story. Train bombings in Madrid or London can be spun into being the fault of those countries' leaders mistake in following George W. Bush into war and angering their Muslim populations, but France? As much historical revisionism as there is on weapons of mass destruction and the justifications for the Iraq war, there's just no way to cover this story and bring it into some sort of anti-GWB context, unless you want to claim the rioting Muslim youths are too stupid to know which side of the issue Chriac and de Villipan were on three years ago.

Posted by: John at November 4, 2005 9:46 AM

Napoleon (remember him France?) knew how to handle riots. A "whiff of grapeshot" but you need to shoot to kill first, then you can be lenient. If you shoot over the heads first, they just get emboldened. Then you have to kill more in the end.

Posted by: Bob at November 4, 2005 9:54 AM

Yup, I'm guilty of enjoying this. Totally. I'm intent on looking through the anti-Israeli press for cues on how to react to the french crackdown, if it comes before the surrender.

I hear Oslo is a nice place for resolving such issues of violence.

Posted by: BC Monkey at November 4, 2005 10:34 AM

France may be the most relativistic of the continental Europeans, but it is perhaps the least multicultural. Perhaps they have done well to face up to the conflict at least internally while they can still deal with it.

(Although I think the problem here is not so much a cultural battle as a revolt of the underclass...)

Posted by: Mike Earl at November 4, 2005 10:38 AM

Schadenfreude - or however you spell it.

Down w/the 5th republic - on to the 6th!

1 day they'll get it right.

Posted by: Sandy P at November 4, 2005 10:39 AM

After taking their crap since 1750 - it's neither small nor petty.

I'm glad I'm alive to see it.

Posted by: Sandy P at November 4, 2005 10:40 AM

Maybe this is just a backlash against all the Peugeots and Renaults crammed down these muslims throats.

Posted by: Matt C at November 4, 2005 10:44 AM

It's good to get these issues out on the table. I hope the riots continue and escalate if only so that the French have to address the the situation rather than sweep it under the rug and can provide a cautionary example for the rest of europe.

Posted by: JAB at November 4, 2005 10:45 AM

Can we recall Bart just for this story?

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at November 4, 2005 11:44 AM

It's pretty clear, isn't it, that Villepin & Chirac viewed this situation initially as a way to eliminate Sarkozy as a rival? Thought they could ride the whirlwind, and now things have gotten completely out of their control. Another country where Bush's actions have upset a "stability" that wasn't all that desirable...

Posted by: b at November 4, 2005 12:13 PM

oj wrotes: "but who can even pretend not to be enjoying this"

These riots potentially signal a near term collapse of Europe with their economy substantially shrinking, political crises, etc. None of that will be good for us - much better that Europe just fade quietly into obscurity. Also, keep in mind that France has nukes, and I'm not particularly enjoying any nuclear armed country having serious internal turmoil.

Admittedly, my largest customer is Dutch, so I also have a large personal stake in European stability - for example, I'm flying to Europe later this month.

So no, I'm not even vaguely enjoying the current situation.

Posted by: Bret at November 4, 2005 1:18 PM

Bret: killjoy!

Posted by: JonofAtlanta at November 4, 2005 1:22 PM

If the whackos get to the nukes we have a pretext for bombing France!

Posted by: oj at November 4, 2005 1:24 PM


Whatever happened to Bart? Was he banned or did he just get upset and leave?

Posted by: Bartman at November 4, 2005 1:38 PM

if europe dies we would pick up a lot of extra business, and not a few antiques, on the cheap.
it is time for them to die off, taking russia with them. hopefully eastern europe can survive.

Posted by: lenins toe at November 4, 2005 1:44 PM


Posted by: Jim in Chicago at November 4, 2005 3:11 PM

Jim in Chicago:

Nope, he left of his own accord.

OJ sent me the profanity-laced email in which he announced his decision. It was vile stuff, although awfully amusing for all that.

Posted by: Matt Murphy at November 4, 2005 5:05 PM

Poor Bart. Wonder why he was so filled with hate.

Posted by: erp at November 4, 2005 6:40 PM

men get "odd" if they stay single too long.

Posted by: sigfried freud at November 4, 2005 6:49 PM

This blog has become a rather boring place without him.

Posted by: Al Cornpone at November 4, 2005 10:23 PM

Omnis Gallia delenda est.

Posted by: Brooks at November 4, 2005 10:41 PM


It was tedious with--self-hating short fat sexually conflicted Jewish guys from NJ are a dime a dozen.

Posted by: oj at November 4, 2005 11:42 PM

This is only the start.

If anyone thinks that having the undesirable Muslim underclass riot and burn things is bad, wait until the ethnically-French middle class starts their civil war over taxes/retirement benefits.

Then we'll see some fun.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 5, 2005 4:16 AM


What is it you miss most about Bart? His sense of comaraderie, his insouciant whimsy or his subtle analyses of complex issues? Me, I miss the dinner descriptions.

Posted by: Peter B at November 5, 2005 5:35 AM

Peter B:

He did an admirable job as lucid Sancho to oj's Quixote, bringing him back to earth from his more hallucinatory tropes. His rhetoric and asides (and dinner descriptions) were a relief, like color added to this sometimes dogmatic and policy-fixated crowd.

Without it this place turns into a GOP tent revival choir, singing of its own superiority to the Left.

Posted by: Al Cornpone at November 5, 2005 8:24 PM


Correct you are.


Perhaps that is why some suspect that OJ is secretly dropping in as a troll.

France has always had a violent underside (the gangs in Marseille, for example). But that was just part of 'society'; this is different. And Michael's point about the 'middle-class' is right on - the other European nations won't react with half the fury of the French.

Posted by: jim hamlen at November 6, 2005 12:32 AM


You only read what we'd edited. He was David Duke on a keyboard.

Posted by: oj at November 6, 2005 10:16 PM