November 7, 2005

MAN IS MEAT, NO? (via Robert Schwartz):

The Shy, Egg-Stealing Neighbor You Didn't Know You Had (LAWRENCE DOWNES, November 6, 2005, NY Times)

The suburbs, pretty as they may be, are nobody's idea of nature in balance. Sure, they are lush, green places where people and their vehicles get along with flowers, vegetables, songbirds and the littler mammals. But this harmony is enforced with an iron fist. It takes lots of chemicals, artificial irrigation and gas-powered trimming and mowing to keep such an arbitrary ecosystem under control.

Leave it to nature to mount an insurgency against the tranquillity of the grass-and-pavement grid. Canada geese and white-tail deer are the most brazen intruders, multiplying beyond all reason and refusing to be subdued. The best-equipped predators, people, sidestepped the job, finding it distasteful. Instead they adjust their garden netting, check for ticks and brood about the tendency of their fallen Eden to keep collapsing into chaos.

But what if that didn't always happen? What if Mother Nature decided not to run amok but to tidy up?

Just such an amazing circumstance appears to be happening on the outskirts of Chicago. Research biologists there announced last month that they had stumbled across a possible answer to the problem of the proliferating suburban goose: the proliferating suburban coyote.

The researchers belong to the Cook County Coyote Project, which has spent nearly six years studying the habits of more than 200 coyotes in the northern and western Chicago suburbs. Among other things, they tried to determine what the growing numbers of these beasts might have had to do with another puzzling development: the sudden end of the goose explosion.

Until the geese run out and they start eating toddlers...

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 7, 2005 9:51 AM

...then you kill the coyotes, and the cycle starts over.

Posted by: AllenS at November 7, 2005 10:02 AM

How long before we hear calls to reintroduce the Eastern Cougar to reduce the deer population?

Posted by: Earl Sutherland at November 7, 2005 10:32 AM

According to some reports, you don't have to reintroduce the cougars because they're already there. Not in huge numbers....yet.

Posted by: rps at November 7, 2005 11:56 AM

Coyotes are extremely hard to wipe out. They've adapted to man's intrusion on their environment better than any other predator.

Posted by: Brandon at November 7, 2005 12:12 PM

I've seen a few of these in my backyard, and I live 9 miles west of the Loop.

If we can only get them to work on the Democratic Soccer mom and School Superintendent populations...

Conversely, the state's power hungry leadership is now seeking ways to give geese and deer the vote. I've seen precinct workers on the golf course attempting to register them.

Posted by: Bruno at November 7, 2005 12:13 PM

I wonder if the introduction of immigrants -- Poles and Mexicans -- in suburban Cook county won't do something to curb the goose population. A lot of Latin Americans in particular are used to buying live fowl and butchering them. One of those geese is a free feast. Toss that sucker in a pot of molten mole an you're good to go.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at November 7, 2005 12:19 PM

I live in Chicago's northwest suburbs on a one acre lot off of a fairly large lake that has a year round duck flock in residence. Until this summer, about one-third of our lot was in undergrowth and scrub trees. Thanks to the coyote den with the mother and cubs (kits?) that were constantly trotting through my back yard on the way to and from the lake buffet, I clear cut the entire lot.

After cutting that ground cover down the coyotes retreated into my neighbor's overgrown hedge border. Well, at least that cutting has left me a somewhat larger and more visible field of fire.

Say goodnight Wiley.

Posted by: Ray Clutts at November 7, 2005 12:42 PM

IIRC, there were several coyotes along the downtown lakefront a while back that they were trying to trap and relocate.

Posted by: Rick T. at November 7, 2005 12:49 PM

Coyotes are easy to thwart, just drop an anvil on their heads.

Posted by: carter at November 7, 2005 2:17 PM

"Beep Beep", "Honk, Honk" -- as long as the Acme Corp ships to Illinois, I don't see where there's that big a difference for the predator.

Posted by: John at November 7, 2005 3:09 PM

Goofy. This is what happpens when you let the geeenie-weeenies take over your state departments of environmental resources and get away from hunter ecology. There are plenty of people ready willing and able to take care of game birds and animals and who will gladly control predators as part of their ecology.

My state had long maintained a hunter ecology. Predators in general were mostly unprotected, and certain predators, those impacting small game populations, were actually bountied. Right now they have gotten away from this approach, so predators are up, upland game birds are down, and geese and deer are all over the place.

Of course firearms are too dangerous in built-up areas, but bows are not. Crossbows are an interesting compromise. My state allows them in lieu of guns during the gun season, which opens up all kinds of suburban and even urban hunting opportunities.

Crying about deer, geese, coyotes and cougars because you don't want to see them shot is sort of like crying about Camel-jockeys for the same reason: an act of hypocracy.

Posted by: Lou Gots at November 7, 2005 4:28 PM

"I've seen precinct workers on the golf course attempting to register them."

At least they are registering living things.

"How long before we hear calls to reintroduce the Eastern Cougar to reduce the deer population?"

I have been calling for that a while. Better cougars than rats on stilts.

"Toss that sucker in a pot of molten mole an you're good to go."

Nah, you got to roast or boil them for a while to get the fat off. Save that goose fat, makes mighty good fried taters.

"Thanks to the coyote den with the mother and cubs (kits?) that were constantly trotting through my back yard on the way to and from the lake buffet, I clear cut the entire lot."

Why? Seems to me that they would be fun to watch.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at November 7, 2005 11:10 PM