September 30, 2005


Salazar: Bush 'acts like a king' (M.E. Sprengelmeyer, September 30, 2005, Rocky Mountain News)

Saying President Bush sometimes acts "like a king," Sen. Ken Salazar warned Friday that he would vehemently oppose Bush's next Supreme Court pick if it turns out to be one of two controversial U.S. Circuit Court judges or someone else he considers an unqualified ideologue.

Here in 2005, you can tell a moderate Democrat because he calls George Bush a king instead of a fuhrer.


REP. Charles Rangel has scored plenty of headlines in his 35 years in Congress, but lately, he's outdone himself by comparing President Bush to the revolting Southern racist "Bull" Connor, who sicced attack dogs on black protesters in 1963.

"George Bush is our 'Bull' Connor," claimed the Harlem Democrat — New York's most senior member of Congress — as he charged that the Hurricane Katrina response was slow because many victims were black.

But that's not all.

Rangel raised eyebrows by saying the Iraq war to topple Saddam Hussein was as bad as the Holocaust — "This is just as bad as the 6 million Jews being killed" by the Nazis, he said in June.

In July, Rangel got into a flap after the official Congressional Record ran a statement under his name blaming a fictitious 1712 slave-owner, "Willie Lynch," for tactics that destroyed the black family.

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 30, 2005 2:47 PM

Wasn't Salazar, coming from a red state, going to be a moderate Dem? This should be a lesson for all red staters who are contemplating voting for a "moderate" Dem.

Posted by: AWW at September 30, 2005 2:53 PM

He misspoke, and meant to say kaiser.

Posted by: b at September 30, 2005 3:05 PM

AWW - He also said he wouldn't filibuster Bush's judicial nominees. Of course, that was before he found out Bush is a king.

Posted by: pj at September 30, 2005 4:29 PM

He voted for Roberts--this is penance.

Posted by: oj at September 30, 2005 4:58 PM
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