September 12, 2005


Messier retires after 25 years in NHL (IRA PODELL, 9/12/05, Associated Press)

Mark Messier retired Monday, ending a 25-year career in which he won six Stanley Cup championships and ranked second only to Wayne Gretzky on the NHL all-time scoring list.

Messier became a star in Edmonton in the 1980s and a headliner on Broadway in the '90s, captaining the New York Rangers to the '94 championship that ended the team's 54-year title drought.

"There was nothing else really for me to achieve," the 44-year-old said on a conference call.

Although the Ranger's Cup drought wasn't as long as the Red Sox World Series slump, it was pretty painful...and made more so by the Islanders' success. Mark Messier won us the Cup, and for that Ranger fans will always be grateful.

Posted by Glenn Dryfoos at September 12, 2005 1:07 PM

The Rangers' drought was shorter, but their path to the title in the Stanley Cup finals was far more agonizing. I was sure that somehow they were still going to blow it on that final face-off with 1 1/2 seconds to play in regulation, especially after almost blowing it with seven seconds left in regulation in the conference final against the Devils.

Posted by: John at September 12, 2005 3:13 PM

Thanks everyone for indulging my hockey posts after a season in hibernation. I will now stop with the hockey columns unless Gordie Howe comes out of retirement or Wayne Gretzky decides to run against Arnold for Governor of California.

Posted by: Foos at September 12, 2005 4:29 PM

Hockey coloumns are a great break here.

As far as Gretzky running for California Governor:


Posted by: obc at September 12, 2005 6:57 PM

Do all these hockey postings from Foos mean I'm allowed to post college football stuff until Orrin sends the Red Raider football team to rearrange my face?

Posted by: Matt Murphy at September 13, 2005 1:58 AM