July 15, 2005


Toms DQ'd after rules violation (July 15, 2005, SI.com)

American Ryder Cup player David Toms was disqualified from the 134th British Open on Friday after owning up to a rules infringement.

The 38-year-old from Louisiana, the 2001 PGA Championship winner, signed for a two-over 74 in the first round but later told officials he believed he had hit a moving ball when he played the notorious 17th Road Hole.

Ever see a soccer player call a hand ball on himself?

Posted by Stephen Judd at July 15, 2005 12:20 PM


Posted by: Ali Choudhury at July 15, 2005 12:28 PM

You call those sports?


"Murderball." Now that's a sport.

Posted by: Rick T. at July 15, 2005 12:33 PM

Hats off to our local boy David Toms. Thanks for making note of his honesty. We need more politicians like him too. (On all sides!!!)

Posted by: AubreyJ at July 15, 2005 12:48 PM

soccer is a sport without honor.

Posted by: cjm at July 15, 2005 1:00 PM

Ever see a football, basketball, or hockey player point out a foul by his team to the ref?

Posted by: Shelton at July 15, 2005 1:07 PM

Ever see a baseball player argue with an umpires call of "ball"?

Posted by: Brandon at July 15, 2005 1:45 PM

Pitchers have been known to argue that call.

Posted by: Casey Abell at July 15, 2005 2:06 PM

By the way, congrats to Toms on his honesty. But doesn't the British Open have an official with each group? Did he notice anything at the time?

Just checked some news stories. Apparently nobody notcied anything except Toms himself.

Posted by: Casey Abell at July 15, 2005 2:09 PM

Actually, I'll go you one better OJ, ye of soccer-hating faith:

In 2000 in a match between Everton and West Ham, Hammer forward Paolo DiCanio had a clear shot on goal with the everton goalkeeper lying injured on the ground.

He picked the ball up stopping play.

The goal would've won the game iirc.

This is equivalent to a baseball player stopping at first base if, say, an outfielder got injured playing a ball he hit. I've never seen that happen, and don't expect to.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at July 15, 2005 3:29 PM

I'm not sure I'd use Paolo Di Canio as my example of sportsmanship, that odd incident notwithstanding. :-) He was certainly a fascinating, talented and mercurial player, in the mold of Cantona. Speaking of which, it's interesting that almost all the great French players -- Copa, Platini, Cantona, Vieira -- are not of French descent.

Anyway, OJ, don't you have a television show to go watch?

Posted by: Jorge Curioso at July 15, 2005 4:23 PM

maradonna epitomizes the honor of soccer.

Posted by: cjm at July 15, 2005 4:33 PM

OJ: I'll toss this bone your way :

Today Raul the Real Madrid forward threw out the first pitch at Wrigley.

I haven't seen the video, but there's a still of it at Getty Images.

I suspect the worst. Definitely looks like he's getting ready to throw like a girl.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at July 15, 2005 6:17 PM

> maradonna epitomizes the honor of soccer.

Ergo, Barry Bonds that of baseball?

Posted by: Jorge Curioso at July 15, 2005 7:56 PM

Today Raul the Real Madrid forward threw out the first pitch at Wrigley.

I haven't seen the video, but there's a still of it at Getty Images.

I suspect the worst. Definitely looks like he's getting ready to throw like a girl.

Jim, did he grab the baseball with both hands and throw it onto the field from over his head?

Posted by: John at July 15, 2005 9:13 PM

I don't think so. But something about the pic looked a little funny to my eyes.

BTW When Real met w/ da Mayor troday, Daley noted that soccer was the # 1 sport with America's youth.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at July 16, 2005 1:19 AM

the reaction baseball fans to bonds' cheating redeems the sport -- he is reviled.

Posted by: cjm at July 16, 2005 2:02 AM


Anybody who has ever played schoolyard basketball in NYC(and I would imagine elsewhere) knows that you call it when you foul.

Posted by: bart at July 16, 2005 8:59 AM

Bart, same hold true in pickup soccer. Watch the Mexican guys playing Sunday mornings with trash cans for goals some day.

The NBA on the other hand has nothing on Maradona.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at July 16, 2005 1:00 PM