May 19, 2005


Defeat Bush plan first, Pelosi says (Amy Fagan, 5/17/05, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi yesterday said most Democrats approve leadership's strategy of not having their own Social Security reform plan for now and of focusing on defeating President Bush's plan.

She said only a few Democrats want to move ahead now with Social Security proposals to counter Mr. Bush's.

"Those are exceptions," the California Democrat said of Democrats like Reps. Robert Wexler of Florida and Dennis Moore of Kansas, who have proposed their own Social Security bills and say other Democrats should follow suit and engage Republicans with specifics.

If they want to be the party of nothing they've certainly got the right leadership.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 19, 2005 8:45 PM

It's hard to believe the Democrats are actually going to try and go all the way through the midterm elections basically running on a platform of "talk to us later" about Social Security, but that seems to be the strategy of the day.

Odds are they'd be behind the Wexler plan in a heartbeat if they could, and would love to get to the point where the system's finances were in such dire straits a tax hike was the only option left. But the polling must show that secnario right now is a disaster even compared with offering nothing at all as an alternative.

Posted by: John at May 19, 2005 9:33 PM

Are they for real????

Their plan is to explicitly not have any plan??

Posted by: ray at May 19, 2005 11:06 PM

Apparently it's not about the country ... it's all about the party ... the unseriousists.

Posted by: Genecis at May 23, 2005 12:30 PM