April 2, 2005
Error puts strippers on public access TV (AP, 4/02/05)
Viewers expecting to see the latest local meeting on their public access channel got an eyeful recently when Cablevision played a tape of nude dancers accidentally.Posted by Orrin Judd at April 2, 2005 8:22 AMThe mistake affected customers in parts of Dutchess, Ulster, Putnam and Orange counties.
Hopewell Junction resident George Morton returned home from Palm Sunday Mass and turned on his television to see a striptease contest.
"I thought, this is terrible," Morton said. "I don't get HBO or anything like that."
Cablevision said Thursday it was not a public access program and that a "program switching error" occurred.
I recall when I worked at a TV station there was a standing rule to keep anything that we wouldn't want to go out on the air out of the office. If the tape is there there's a chance, however slim, that it will be broadcast. Yeah sure, it would have to be a pretty odd chain of events for a VHS tape to get broadcast out of 3/4 inch decks but there were VHS decks there that could be switched over to broadcast without to much trouble and "Better safe than sorry!" was my motto there.
Now that many TV stations are wholly computerized I imagine the problem is that much worse. One video file gets copied to the wrong directory and all of the sudden you're brodcasting Paris Hilton's latest peccadillos instead of the LaValley Building Supply spot. Of course, if you're locked into a contract and looking to get fired, that's the perfect way to do it.
So you kept yours in the trunk of your car?
Posted by: oj at April 2, 2005 9:18 AMNo, I left it at home. What good is porn going to do me in the trunk of my car? I did spend a number of boring Saturday afternoons trying to descramble the Spice channel off the C-band satellite dish, but to no avail. Their encryption scheme is devilishly simple and devilishly complex.
Posted by: Governor Breck at April 2, 2005 9:38 AMWhat I don't understand is why any rational person would not have locked the Cable Access channels, like the shopping channels, LifeTime, MTV and Animal Planet, out of their normal channel flipping rotation. On the off chance there is something actually of interest on one of them, it's not that hard to punch in the channel number directly, and it keeps them from getting in the way when I'm killing time.
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at April 2, 2005 11:08 AMThey broadcast xxx hardcore porn on public access here in Seattle. And it's not by accicent.
Posted by: Pat H at April 2, 2005 12:48 PMReally? Maybe I need to reassess my channel selections...
(Years ago the Access Channel here on the Eastside, back when it was Viacom, one "show" featureed some woman who liked to recite her poetry in the nude, but between the multi-colored lighting, weird angles and her less than appealing looks, it could be considered pr0n only for those who tastes lean toward the the truly bizarre. It was about that time I learned how to block channels to keep me from seeing stuff like that.)
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at April 2, 2005 2:48 PMRaoul,
There was a big dust-up in the press about this issue several years back and I thought they had decided to eliminate it, but that didn't happen, they just moved it to late-night. An employee was caught watching it in the employee break room last year. He didn't even change the channel when the women walked in. I wonder what he's up to these days?
Pat H: I think they finally took that 'Mike Hunt' guy off the air, though the last time they did he sued and won on the logic that his show wasn't obscene by community standards because the community doesn't prosecute video stores for obscentity for selling the same materials (I think that was the reasoning).
Posted by: carter at April 2, 2005 3:01 PMgetting porn on tv is like getting your mail delivered by the pony express. how 80's.
Posted by: cjm at April 2, 2005 3:19 PMcjm,
Some are a little more modern in their viewing. I've fired a supervisor for accessing it on the company's computers as well.
Given how Cablevision's Jimmy Dolan, son of founder Chuck Dolan, is screwing up the company -- which includes the Knicks, Rangers and Madison Square Garden, perhaps he thought this would a smart decision to goose viewership, if you pardon the expression. Cablevision, owner of the MSG Network which carries the Mets telecasts, is having yet another one of its catfights with Time-Warner Cable, the Manhattan cable provider, and the result is no Mets on TV here until they resolve the situation. They're all jerks.
Posted by: Jim Siegel at April 2, 2005 6:52 PMpat h: that is incredible; one word "logs". what are these people thinking about pulling up porn at work ? the riskiest site i access at work is this one :)
Posted by: cjm at April 2, 2005 10:53 PM