April 1, 2005
Loyalists Picked for Pentagon Posts: Bush names technocrat and veteran Foreign Service officer to replace Wolfowitz and Feith, cited as lightning rods for roles in Iraq war. (John Hendren, April 1, 2005, LA Times)
President Bush chose longtime administration loyalists for the second- and third-ranking Pentagon posts Thursday, nominating Navy Secretary Gordon R. England as deputy Defense secretary and Eric S. Edelman, the departing U.S. ambassador to Turkey, as undersecretary of Defense for policy.If England is confirmed by the Senate, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld would have one of his most trusted aides in charge of the U.S. military's day-to-day operations. The current deputy secretary, Paul D. Wolfowitz, was approved Thursday as the head of the World Bank.
Edelman would replace Douglas J. Feith as undersecretary of Defense for policy, a position that was largely responsible for the planning of postwar Iraq. In January, Feith announced his intention to leave this summer.
Bush is seeking to replace two of the most controversial figures in the administration, both known as lightning rods for political opponents who describe them as neoconservative architects of the Iraq war, with lower-profile figures who draw less partisan fire.
So much for Democratic hopes that he'd appoint disloyal ignoramuses. Posted by Orrin Judd at April 1, 2005 6:45 AM
It is always interesting to me that Mr. Bush's opponents are outraged, yes outraged! over the fact that he would appoint people who are loyal and would support his policies. I mean really, If you think he would do that, who is the dummy here?
Posted by: Mikey at April 1, 2005 10:26 AMThe MSM theme of "Bush Appoints Lunkhead Loyalists" recycles because Bush appoints people who don't stroke and leak to the MSM. The pet media are accustomed to being fed tid bits in return for favorable leaker portrayal in the story. From jump the Bush crew blew them off and refused to play the game. This is a serious affront to the MSM's self-conception as the 4th estate. Worse, the MSM must now choose whether to actually dig (work) or else make stuff up. They chose the latter with disasterous results.
Posted by: Luciferous at April 1, 2005 5:49 PMIf elected, I will appoint people who will openly disagree with me, counter all my initiatives and offer multiple alternatives to my proposals. I will encoutrage persons in my administration to speak frequently with members of the press, and to foster a transparent openness for my administration. We will reflect the diverse opinions of America and will strive to as many possibilities as possible for all issues, regardless of urgency or any sense of immediacy that may exist. Finally, we will be open to being told how to govern and will seek direction for our policies from you. So, ya'al come, and govern with us, this great nation of ours.
Posted by: President Dozentmatter at April 2, 2005 4:53 PM