April 6, 2005
FORMER National Security Adviser Sandy Berger has now joined the pantheon of those who, in the im mortal words of Webb Hubbell, have chosen to "roll over one more time" to protect Bill and Hillary Clinton. [...]Berger has admitted that he stuffed top-secret documents into his pockets, shirt and pants, and why he sliced some up with scissors, destroyed them and then lied about it. Until he gives a credible explanation for this behavior, we are all entitled to make the logical inference — that he was hiding something to protect himself and his old bosses. [...]
The most obvious reason would be to stop the 9/11 commission from including embarrassing revelations in its report.
Yes, the documents Berger purloined were not the only copies, but it's not clear that Berger knew that. Or there may have been handwritten notes in the margins of the copies Berger destroyed — written by the president, Berger or others.
Posted by Orrin Judd at April 6, 2005 10:17 AM
Wonder if he turned state's evidence?
Posted by: Mike Morley at April 6, 2005 11:24 AMThe Stephens Brothers probably had someone pay Sandy a little visit. He'll either be quiet or be sleeping with the fishes.
Posted by: bart at April 6, 2005 12:07 PMMike: Don't hold your breath.
Posted by: Robert Schwartz at April 6, 2005 1:31 PMThe Stephens Brothers, missing links in the saga of Bill Clinton's rise to greatness. When will their story be written? Ditto the story of the Perot connection and how he twice won the White House for the Democrats. So many books, so little revelation.
Dick Morris?? A toad and a toady. Whatever tales he tells have been well vetted and meant only to distract from the important stuff.
Why is Bush going so easy on the Clinton administration and their hi-jinks past and present? Don't know, but I bet it'll be worth the wait to find out. It took awhile, but Carter got his comeuppance today. His public smack down was a thing of beauty. I dare say he won't raise his head above the radar again anytime soon.
I can't wait for bubba's turn.
Posted by: erp at April 6, 2005 2:37 PMJust googled "Stevens Brothers" because I am unfamiliar with the names and the conspiracies. What a scary bunch of far-right and far-left websites appeared. Not sure I want to know any more.
Posted by: ed at April 6, 2005 3:15 PMJackson Stephens is a fine American, who is the on the board at Augusta National. He's donated considerable amounts of money for the construction of golf courses for young begining golfers (under age 18). Strong supporter of the Arkansas football program. Same for Whit Stephens who has passed away. Both are willing to brib..ah support both Republicans and Democrats thank you.
Posted by: h-man at April 6, 2005 4:39 PMWhat in the world makes anyone willing to roll over for the Clintons? Do they have blackmail material on everyone they deal with?
Posted by: Tom at April 7, 2005 10:13 PM