April 5, 2005


Bush: Social Security has bleak future (DEB RIECHMANN, April 5, 2005, Associated Press)

President Bush sought to dramatize Social Security's solvency problems Tuesday by pointing to government IOUs - stored in a file cabinet - that are supposed to finance America's future retirement needs.

"A lot of people in America think there is a trust - that we take your money in payroll taxes and then we hold it for you and then when you retire, we give it back to you," Bush said in a speech at the University of West Virginia at Parkersburg.

"But that's not the way it works," Bush said. "There is no trust 'fund' - just IOUs that I saw firsthand," Bush said.

Earlier, Susan Chapman of the Office of Public Debt Accounting had shown Bush an ivory four-drawer filing cabinet with numeric locks. "This is it," she said.

"This is what exists," Bush said, illustrating his point that the promise of future Social Security benefits are simply stashed in a file.

Chapman opened the second drawer and pulled out a white notebook filled with pseudo Treasury securities - pieces of paper that offer physical evidence of $1.7 trillion in treasury bonds that make up the trust fund.

The pieces of paper he saw are not real Treasury securities. In today's computer age, investors no longer get honest-to-goodness Treasury bonds they can hold in their hands. But, by law, the bureau creates paper bonds to put in the file cabinet just in case anybody, like Bush, wants to see the trust fund.

"Imagine," Bush said in his speech. "The retirement security for future generations is sitting in a filing cabinet. It's time to strengthen and modernize Social Security for future generations with growing assets that you can control that you call your own - assets that the government can't take away."

President Participates in Social Security Conversation in West Virginia (George W. Bush, 4/05/05, West Virginia University at Parkersburg, Parkersburg, West Virginia)
I have just come from the Bureau of Public Debt. I want to thank Van Zeck, Keith Rake, and Susan Chapman. Susan was the tour guide there at the Bureau of Public Debt. I went there because I'm trying to make a point about the Social Security trust. You see, a lot of people in America think there's a trust, in this sense -- that we take your money through payroll taxes and then we hold it for you, and then when you retire, we give it back to you. But that's not the way it works.

There is no "trust fund," just IOUs that I saw firsthand, that future generations will pay -- will pay for either in higher taxes, or reduced benefits, or cuts to other critical government programs.

The office here in Parkersburg stores those IOUs. They're stacked in a filing cabinet. Imagine -- the retirement security for future generations is sitting in a filing cabinet. It's time to strengthen and modernize Social Security for future generations with growing assets that you can control, that you call your own -- assets that the government cannot take away.

This is how he should have begun the debate and on national television with the file cabinet.

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 5, 2005 3:47 PM

Do we know who on W's staff came up with this idea? It is brilliant.

Posted by: Gideon at April 5, 2005 4:33 PM

Agree - this should be a natioanal ad - Bush or someone opening up the file cabinet to show all of America what the "trust fund" actually is.

Posted by: AWW at April 5, 2005 4:48 PM

In the national ad they could have an elderly retiree take a government IOU to the store and try to buy groceries.

Posted by: Pat H at April 5, 2005 5:32 PM

I've always wondered why the forces of alleged reform didn't lead with the fact that there is no trust fund. That's the biggest lie and the most damaging to expose. It's nice to see the Bush machine finally clue in on that.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at April 5, 2005 9:15 PM

AOG - Yes. Bush is going about this the wrong way. The first step should be merely to create a real trust fund, with personal account books in it. For each person eligible for Social Security benefits, estimate their time of retirement and their time of death, and put zero-coupon inflation-protected Treasuries that coincide with the times and amounts to be paid that person. Then the trust fund will have $17 trillion in it and there will be no "transition costs" to a private system. Also, people when they get their Social Security statements will see not only their promised benefits, but also "here are the investments set aside to cover your future benefits in your personal account within the Social Security trust fund."

Then it won't seem like a big deal to people to switch investments from US Treasuries to stocks. Two years later, go back with a bill creating real private accounts and letting people switch 20% into other investments. The voters will support private accounts then.

Posted by: pj at April 6, 2005 11:25 AM