April 10, 2005


'Labour. Always. Maybe Ukip': Enthusiasm is hard to find, even in two places that hold the key to the government's majority (Euan Ferguson, Sunday April 10, 2005, The Observer)

Hyndburn is a Labour-held constituency in Accrington. It features pleasant people and rain. Broxtowe is a Labour-held constituency on the outskirts of Nottingham. It features a shopping precinct and warmer rain. According to research for The Observer by Mori, the fall of either to the Tories would signify the national Labour downfall. My task is to find enthusiasm in either Hyndburn or Broxtowe for bringing it about.

In Nottingham I get my first mild surprise when I intercept Michael Biddulph, 67, who has just lost his right leg. 'Gangrene. I'm diabetic. It started on my little toe. So they started slicing me away, bit at a time, and just sort of ... kept going.' He is now driving one of those red batteried urban wheelchair-scooter affairs that putter asthmatically in front of Co-ops in every high street. Losing his leg was free, but Michael's Galaxy-hopper or Nimbula-Loper cost him £2,200. 'Labour. Definitely Labour. Always have, always will. Though can't stand Blair. Actually, you know, maybe Ukip.'

I hope you see my confusion. Once, and not really that long ago, there was a time when Labour meant Labour and the mindset that entailed. You were left-wing. You were, generally, biddable on immigration, and tough on intolerance. Now, if Michael votes - he's not sure whether he'll bother - he would see it as no 'betrayal' to vault across to Ukip. 'I'm not sure if anyone thinks of Labour as the Left now. It's not like it's a movement.'

Time and again in Broxtowe, from old and the few young who had an opinion, this message came back. There just seems precious little to choose from and between: no left-right battles, no gutsy polemic or hearty belief, just nuances of massage and spin. Everyone is wise to it.

Michael Howard needs to drag the Tories further Right to win.

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 10, 2005 2:07 PM

Howard's refusal to provide an alternative to Blair will serve to re-elect Labour.

Posted by: bart at April 10, 2005 2:43 PM

'Labour. Definitely Labour. Always have, always will. Though can't stand Blair. Actually, you know, maybe Ukip.'

Un-freakin-believable that people are saying things like that while the Tories putter around looking for an issue. It's staring them in their bloody faces!

Posted by: Matt Murphy at April 10, 2005 3:05 PM