April 21, 2005


Districts and Teachers' Union Sue Over Bush Law (SAM DILLON, 4/21/05, NY Times)

Opening a new front in the growing rebellion against President Bush's signature education law, the nation's largest teachers' union and eight school districts in Michigan, Texas and Vermont sued the Department of Education yesterday, accusing it of violating a passage in the law that says states cannot be forced to spend their own money to meet federal requirements.

The Administration should join the suit and get the Court to rule that no Federal regulations need be followed by the states unless accompanied by sufficient federal funding to do so. That would truly end the era of big government.

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 21, 2005 9:42 AM

OJ hits one of the park again.

I was living in Vermont when the state started interfering with the age old concept of local community control of the public schools.

Leftwing activists were perfectly well aware that they would never be able to control the minds of the proletariat unless they controlled information flow from pre-school to grad school. To that end, state and federal funds became available to local school boards if they followed certain guidelines, etc. Trolling for cash, local boards of education gave up sovereignty to state and federal boards of education controlled by the teachers' unions for pieces of silver and the rest, as they say, is history.

It would be too delicious if we could see the circle completed and have it all come down on the heads of the rabidly radical teachers' unions because now they don't like the "guidelines" coming from Washington.

I would like to think that Team Bush is so brilliant as to have orchestrated this denouement.

Posted by: erp at April 21, 2005 1:14 PM