April 15, 2005


They Didn't Catch Rudolph, but They Stopped Him Cold: Two witnesses' actions forced the bomber to go into hiding and end his campaign of killing. (Ellen Barry and Jenny Jarvie, April 15, 2005, LA Times)

Jeffrey Tickal was drinking coffee at McDonald's when he saw the bomber striding past, and so it was on a McDonald's coffee cup that he wrote down the man's license plate number: KND1117.

Tickal had never done anything like that before, and he hasn't since. Stepping out of McDonald's and following the man that morning was an instinctive reaction, he said — "what everyone is supposed to do."

Despite the extraordinary police effort that went into investigating the deadly bombings in 1996, 1997 and 1998, it was two bystanders — Tickal and college student Jermaine Hughes — who provided the single filament of information that led to Eric Rudolph.

On Wednesday, moments after Rudolph pleaded guilty to the bombings, U.S. Atty. Alice Martin finally revealed the names of the men who had been known as WN-1 and WN-2. They have seen but never met each other. Tickal, 41, is now a lawyer in Opelika, and Hughes, 29, has left the South to study law at Harvard.

Martin said Thursday that she would like to see the two men receive a $1-million reward that was offered for identifying the bomber.

"These bombings would never have been solved without these witnesses," said retired police Lt. Donald Toole, who was commander of the police radio control room the morning of the bombing. "That's how important they were. Without these witnesses, Rudolph would never have gone into hiding. He knew he had been seen."

On Thursday, in the graceful, columned house that holds his law practice, Tickal was trying to figure out what to do about his constantly ringing phone. He complained about not getting work done, declined to be photographed and politely asked a television reporter not to go live outside his window. Asked about the reward, Tickal shrugged with what appeared to be a real lack of concern.

"A hero?" said Tickal. "I followed the guy's tag number. I don't know what to call it."

Through his lawyer, Hughes declined to comment for this report, saying the publicity could put him at risk.

In a news conference Wednesday, prosecutors gave a dramatic narration of what happened the morning of Jan. 28, 1998, when Tickal and Hughes followed Rudolph from the site of his fourth bombing.

Olympic Park Bomber May Head To Colorado's Supermax (the Denver Channel, April 14, 2005)

Confessed Olympic Park bomber Eric Rudolph could spend the rest of his life among the nation's most dangerous, violent, escape-prone criminals at the ultrasecure "Supermax" federal prison in southern Colorado.

Rudolph, who pleaded guilty Wednesday to bombings that killed two people and injured more than 120, would spend most of each day alone in a barren white cell with a concrete bed.

Formally named the Administrative Maximum facility, the 10-year-old Supermax is home to Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber; Richard Reid, who tried to ignite a shoe bomb on a trans-Atlantic flight; Ramzi Yousef, who was involved in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; and Terry Nichols, who helped carry out the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 15, 2005 10:11 AM


This writer has been watching too many movies.

Posted by: jim hamlen at April 15, 2005 11:56 PM

The most intriguing question I have is how many collaborators did Rudolph have among Federal law enforcement personnel. There is a signifcant Opus Dei presence in Federal law enforcement and it is a safe bet that many of them do not believe that killing an abortionist is a crime.

Posted by: bart at April 16, 2005 8:41 AM


No, but he didn't just kill abortionists. What did Olympic Park have to do with anything?

Posted by: oj at April 16, 2005 5:31 PM

Fanatics might see them as collateral damage, 9/11 is instructive and the mentality that gave us 9/11 is not solely restricted to Muslims.

Posted by: at April 17, 2005 9:09 AM