April 15, 2005


For Bolton critic, GOP claim shaky (Rowan Scarborough, 4/14/05, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Carl W. Ford Jr., who professed to being a "loyal Republican" when he testified Tuesday against the nomination of John R. Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations , has contributed to the political campaigns of several Democrats since 1999.

Mr. Ford, a former CIA officer and State Department intelligence official who now works for the lobbying powerhouse Cassidy and Associates, contributed $1,000 to the campaign of Rep. Charles B. Rangel, New York Democrat, and $500 to Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, Hawaii Democrat, in 2004, according to Federal Election Commission records. [...]

Committee Democrats, including ranking Democrat Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, cited the "loyal Republican" description to bolster Mr. Ford's credentials as a Bolton foe.

"I'm sure, as strongly as you feel about this, there are going to be some who will suggest that this is -- there was a partisan motive in you being here," Mr. Biden said.

Can't slip anything by ole Neil....

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 15, 2005 10:22 AM

I missed it ...

Posted by: ghostcat at April 15, 2005 1:38 PM

oj is referring (i think) to the time biden plagarized some material from neil kinnock, the uk labour party head from the 80's.

if carl is so "loyal" why is he carrying water for the democrats ? these cretins never seem to learn how easy it is to get and publicise the truth , these days.

Posted by: cjm at April 15, 2005 7:03 PM

I wish he would remember we don't need him around, anyhow.

Posted by: David Cohen at April 15, 2005 7:23 PM

cjm - thanks for the explanation.

David Cohen - 50 bonus points. Did you know that Mr. Young, in response, wrote "Powderfinger" for Skynard ... as in, for them to record?

Posted by: ghostcat at April 15, 2005 8:46 PM

gc: did they record it ? i knew neil didn't have any hard feelings, but i didn't know he went so far as to write them a song. man, a crazy horse/skynrd super group would have been something to behold.

Posted by: cjm at April 15, 2005 10:18 PM

cjm -

Skynard turned down Young's offer. The song, while sorta redneck, was too symbolic/obscure for their fans. Of course, anyone-not-Neil has a tough time unraveling most of his lyrics. I'm not sure the man's own epilectic brain comprehends them. Especially at 103 degrees, where it was when he wrote "Cowgirl in the Sand", "Cinnamon Girl" and "Down by the River" all in a single afternoon. Another Canadian master. (And, by the way, another near-death experience as a child.)

Posted by: ghostcat at April 15, 2005 11:50 PM

He's a lobbyist, a hired mouthpiece, who will do whatever his paymasters tell him. The question of party loyalty should never even have been brought up. Did anyone ask if perhaps the Saudis and the oil companies were paying Cassidy and Associates? But then the more I listen to Biden the more it seems to me that his hair plugs were put in upside down and have started blocking the already too few neurons in his brain.

Posted by: bart at April 16, 2005 7:22 AM

bart: reverse chianosis is never pretty, and is often mistaken for bse :)

Posted by: cjm at April 16, 2005 11:51 AM