April 27, 2005


Bush wants refineries at ex-defense bases (H. JOSEF HEBERT, 4/27/05, Associated Press)

President Bush, trying to blunt growing unrest over high energy prices, is laying out proposals to speed construction of nuclear power plants and oil refineries and boost sales of energy-efficient vehicles.

Bush is outlining his new proposals in his second energy speech in a week. The increased attention reflects the growing concern in the White House over potential political damage from high energy prices that are beginning to affect economic growth as well as the president's approval rating.

In remarks to small business leaders, Bush will urge using closed military bases as sites for new oil refineries. The Energy Department is being ordered to step up discussions with communities near such bases to try to get refineries built.

"We know we have a capacity problem," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Wednesday. "We haven't built a new refinery since the early 1970s."

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 27, 2005 12:43 PM

The reactions to this ought to be interesting, depending on which bases the Pentagon decides to shutter. Bases located in oil-producing states will be easier to convert, though the usual suspects will appear to decry a land giveaway to Big Oil, while bases closings in other states will also see the environmentalists come out in force to protest the potential pollution from the new refineries (since the anti-military types are usually a sub-set of the enviornmentalist types, all they'll have to adjust their slogans to fit the modified use for the bases).

Posted by: John at April 27, 2005 1:03 PM


That's just so odd. The greens whine endlessly about the conversion of green fields to industrial use, but when a plan like this to use already brown fields instead comes up, you can bet there will be massive protests against it. I think it indicates what the real agenda is.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at April 27, 2005 2:25 PM

What a great idea. It makes all kinds of sense.

Posted by: at April 27, 2005 2:54 PM

depends on where the bases are located, doesn't it. i live near the old el toro marine air base, and other than noise it wasn't too hard on the environment. the refinery in carson, about 40 miles north, creates a hellish environment for miles around. more refineries are needed, for sure, and some bases will be suitable for conversion, but the real issue is improving refining technology.

Posted by: cjm at April 27, 2005 4:08 PM

Greases. Skids. Oil.


Posted by: ghostcat at April 27, 2005 5:05 PM