April 29, 2005


Ottawa prof dies during Everest ascent (Toronto Star, April 29th, 2005)

An Ottawa university professor who studied mental and physical training for mountain climbers died today after an apparent heart attack on the slopes of Mount Everest, a member of the Canadian expedition team said.

Dr. Sean Egan, 63, was leading his third expedition to the world's highest mountain in Nepal, which would have made him the oldest Canadian to accomplish the feat had he succeeded. [...]

Egan, a professor of human kinetics at the University of Ottawa since 1977, had been preparing for his first actual summit attack. He held a doctorate in sports psychology and his research interests included mental and physical training for mountain climbers, according to the University of Ottawa website.

"Reaching the summit for me is a personal goal," Egan said in an interview with the CBC before the expedition.

"I've been into fitness, health and wellness for many years ...I believe teaching is one thing, but practice is the main thing. And I feel like I'm a model for the general population and the old folks anyway."

What a waste, and what a tragedy that so few both modern young and elderly can recognize it. Even if he had no family, did he ever pause to think of how many kids in the throes of reckless, confused youth he might have guided and mentored if only he had acted his age?

Posted by Peter Burnet at April 29, 2005 6:12 PM


Wow. Thanks.

Posted by: Peter B at April 29, 2005 7:13 PM

By definition, a non-believer dares to act thus, since he has no real other purpose in life.

A God-fearing man knows he is forbidden to risk his life without Just cause, such as saving another person's life - not an animal's, much to the chagrine of PETA.

Posted by: oswald booth czolgosz at April 29, 2005 7:39 PM

It is like Rodale dying on the tonight show after announcing that he felt great, standing up and clicking his heels together. Life just continues to taunt us.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at April 30, 2005 1:20 AM

Couldn't have been a real professor. Orrin has already told us they're all wimps.

Posted by: Harry Eagar at April 30, 2005 2:44 PM

He could have saved the Canadian taxpayers plenty of money and flown to his reward closer to home, in perhaps Alberta.

Posted by: bart at April 30, 2005 4:16 PM


You better start lecturing all those God fearing NASCAR race drivers. It appears they didn't get the memo.

Posted by: Jeff Guinn at May 2, 2005 10:38 AM