April 23, 2005
Hate mob attacks Galloway (Paul Waugh and Flora Stubbs, Evening Standard, April 20th 2005)
The bitter election battle in the East End has spilled into violence, with extremist Muslims and anti-war protesters targeting George Galloway and Oona King.Anti-war campaigner Mr Galloway was forced to take refuge from Islamic militants who denounced him as a "false prophet".
The former Labour MP said "the police saved my life" after supporters of radical group Hizb-Ut-Tahrir clashed with members of his Respect party last night.
Labour's Ms King had her car tyres slashed and the vehicle was pelted with eggs by a gang of youths angry at her support for the Iraq war. Both incidents triggered fears for the safety of Mr Galloway and Ms King as they prepared for a stormy hustings meeting in Bethnal Green and Bow tonight.
Labour's 10,000 majority in the seat is under serious threat from Respect and the contest has been marked by some of the most vitriolic campaigning in the general election.
Mr Galloway was electioneering on the Osier council estate in Bethnal Green last night when a gang of 30 Muslim fundamentalists, who claim voting is un-Islamic, surrounded him and his supporters.
The men said they were angry at Mr Galloway's attempt to woo Muslim voters.
They said they were "setting up the gallows" for him and warned any Muslim who voted for his anti-war Respect party that they faced a "sentence of death".
The left never understands why embracing anti-Western, anti-democratic extremists only makes them hate you more.
Posted by Peter Burnet at April 23, 2005 6:19 PMGalloway? Couldn't have happened to a "nicer" guy!
Posted by: oswald booth czolgosz at April 23, 2005 8:46 PMI hope they both lose.
Posted by: Ali Choudhury at April 24, 2005 5:34 AM