April 1, 2005
Jean-Marie Lustiger: Second Jewish Pope? (UWE SIEMON-NETTO, UPI)
France was stunned when Pope John Paul II named Jewish-born Jean-Marie Lustiger as archbishop of Paris. "You are the fruit of the Holy Father's prayer," the pontiff's secretary told him. Could it be that the cardinal-electors will now stun the world by choosing Lustiger as next pope, the first Jew to occupy St. Peter's See since Peter himself?Posted by Orrin Judd at April 1, 2005 7:19 PMLustiger, both whose parents died in Auschwitz, has always insisted that, though he had converted to Christianity at age 14, he was and remained a Jew: "I was born a Jew and so I am. For me, the vocation of Israel is to bring light to the goyim. That's my hope, and I believe Christianity is the means for achieving it."
There is a remarkable conversion dialectic in Lustiger's life. He had himself baptized because he was so impressed with the Catholic faith of his foster parents, who brought him up after his real parents had been deported from Paris in 1940. In return, Lustiger has made it his mission to convert -- or, rather, re-evangelize -- France and by extension Europe in an unorthodox way.
While a parish priest, Lustiger wrote a memorandum to archbishop of Paris, Cardinal François Marty. In it he proposed a revolutionary strategy for bringing Christianity back to France, once called the First Daughter of the Church. He insisted the church must abandon any pretense of power and convert culture instead.
As George Weigel, the pope's biographer, commented on this plan: "This meant taking the gospel straight to the molders and shapers of French high culture, the thoroughly secularized French intelligentsia. The hardest cases should be put first and France should be reconverted from the head down."
According to Weigel, Lustiger believes this memorandum must have found its way to the Vatican and contributed to his promotions to bishop of Orleans in 1979, archbishop of Paris in 1981 and cardinal in 1983.
If so, Lustiger's strategy is bearing fruit.
As his first public act as Pope he should visit the wailing wall.
I think there's some prophecy or other about a Jewish pope in Jerusalem at the end times. And if there isn't, there ought to be!
In any case, the Left w/in and w/o the Church would go ballastic.
Though to be honest, the article from the Spectator that you posted several weeks ago almost has me believing that Cardinal Ratzinger will be the next pope.
I wonder what name he'd select. I'm thinking
Gregory in homage to Gregory VII of Canossa fame. There's more than a few world leaders, and many many "Catholic" theologians, I can picture on their knees in the snow before him.
Three name suggestions for Lustiger, if he's the one... John Paul III, Innocent XIV, or Pius XIII. If his election occured around the Passover, Pascal III would be appropriate. Areal zinger would be Damascus III.
Posted by: Dave W. at April 2, 2005 12:49 AMI think of Cardinal Lustiger as The Mole.
Posted by: Joseph Hertzlinger at April 3, 2005 1:39 AM