March 23, 2005


DuBose is arrested, charged with DUI (Roch Kubatko, March 23, 2005, Baltimore Sun)

Orioles pitcher Eric DuBose was arrested and charged with driving under the influence early Monday morning in Sarasota, Fla., before making a start later that day at the team's minor league complex. He was released on $500 bond. [...]

According to the report, Deputy David Clark Jr. saw DuBose's truck swerve across the yellow line three times. Clark noted that DuBose's speech was slurred, and the pitcher exhibited poor balance, had watery and blood-shot eyes and an "odor of alcoholic beverage."

The report states DuBose informed Clark he had "a couple" drinks at the Cafe Gardens and Daiquiri Deck in Sarasota. When instructed to recite the alphabet, DuBose allegedly said, "I'm from Alabama, and they have a different alphabet."

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 23, 2005 4:27 PM

Wouldn't you know it?

Eric DuBose

Bats Left, Throws Left

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at March 23, 2005 5:27 PM

Sounds like Dizzy Dean is back.

Posted by: jim hamlen at March 23, 2005 5:38 PM

I'd like to see Orioles' owner Peter Angelo argue that one before a jury.

Posted by: John at March 23, 2005 5:49 PM

Reminds me of this DUI stop spoof.

Posted by: John Resnick at March 23, 2005 5:49 PM

I think Doc Ellis could recite only three letters of the alphabet (l, s, d) after his no-hitter.

Posted by: Fred Jacobsen (San Fran) at March 23, 2005 10:36 PM

About Dock Ellis, he used to pinch-run every so often. One evening, late in the game, he went to first base wearing a Steelers warm-up jacket. The ump told him he couldn't wear it, so he took it off; however, he didn't have a shirt on.

Posted by: jim hamlen at March 23, 2005 10:42 PM

The Mets traded George Medich who was an MD (thus the moniker "Doc") for Ellis at one point in his career. After a particullary rocky outing one Mets executive exclaimed: "And Ellis was a better doctor, too."

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at March 23, 2005 11:15 PM

It was the Yankees who traded Medich for Ellis, and they also got Willie Randolph in the trade to boot. That deal, along with the one-sided trades that brought them Sparky Lyle, Graig Nettles, Chris Chambliss and Dick Tidrow are what brought the Yanks their mid-70's success.

Posted by: Foos at March 24, 2005 12:16 PM