March 1, 2005


U.S. secretary of state delays trip to Ottawa (, Feb. 28 2005)

The ripple effect created when Canada said 'no' to signing on to U.S. missile defence seems to have penetrated deeper south of the border than first believed.

CTV News has learned that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was so displeased by Canada's decision to opt out of the program that she's postponed a planned visit to Ottawa in mid-April.

This contradicts Ottawa's official line that U.S.-Canada relations are proceeding smoothly after Prime Minister Paul Martin announced last week that Canada won't be a part of the controversial ballistic missile defence (BMD) program.

A senior U.S. State Department official, who was on board a London-bound flight with Rice, confirmed to CTV News that the cancellation of the Canadian visit was a direct consequence of Martin's decision.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 1, 2005 12:00 AM


She has other places to be, those boots are walkin'!

Posted by: Sandy P at March 1, 2005 1:18 AM

Martin really stepped in the poo on this one. He thought he was just scoring some points with his party pals but instead created a real rift in US/Canada relations. Those missles from N Korea will follow the Great Circle route along Canada's left coast.

Posted by: Gideon at March 1, 2005 2:15 AM

Martin really stepped in the poo on this one. He thought he was just scoring some points with his party pals but instead created a real rift in US/Canada relations. Those missles from N Korea will follow the Great Circle route along Canada's left coast.

Posted by: Gideon at March 1, 2005 2:15 AM

Perhaps it's time to carve up Canada between Quebec and the USA (W/BC south of the 55th Parallel being permitted to go its own way, perhaps w/Washington State West of the Cascade Mtns.).

Posted by: Dave W. at March 1, 2005 2:40 AM


Do you suggest that PM Martin cant't read a Mercator map? If so, who's the moron?

Posted by: Fred Jacobsen (San Fran) at March 1, 2005 3:25 AM

Several points here:

1. Martin runs a minority government where he is dependent upon support from the NDP and/or the BQ, neither of whom is high on responsibility and both of whom are long on sanctimonious posturing even by Canadian standards. That is why he took the stance he did.

2. There is no reason however why we should allow Martin's problems to be our problems.

3. Canadian cooperation makes missile defense simpler and more rational, but its absence does not in any way make it impossible. We should simply agree to disagree and move forward.

4. Canada should not however get away without serious punishment for its actions.

5. Step One, end the trade negotiations and unilaterally impose tariffs to fight Canadian dumping, telling the WTO to go scratch if it says 'Boo.'

6. Step Two, demand, not ask, for the immediate return of the deserters from the US military who fled to Canada and are currently living the high life as Kato Kaelin-level celebrities. Should the deserters not be turned over immediately, cease all cooperation, training, joint missions, etc with the Canadian military. If they want to get home from Afghanistan and need American transport to do it, point them in the direction of the bus station.

7. Step Three, seal the border to all traffic other than commercial vehicles trading in essential items. 'Essential' being defined as good for the American economy. No more tourism on either side of the border.

8. Step Four, when Martin wants to talk to the President inform him that he has other more important dignitaries to see before he sees Martin, people like the PM of Antigua or the King of Tonga. 'We'd love for the President to meet with M. Martin, but he's tied up right now with the PM of Cape Verde and can't be disturbed. He'll get back when he has a chance.'

One would hope that even in Canuckistan they'll get the message.

Posted by: Bart at March 1, 2005 7:15 AM

Up here in Canada, whether or not you believe that there are any consequences for this depends on what political side you're on. If you vote Liberal, you believe that this was a completely costless decision. If you are conservative, you have a good idea of how much we've just sundered our relationship to the US.

Posted by: BC Monkey at March 1, 2005 1:07 PM

I caught a bit of Rex Murphy disclaiming on this on the CBS's "The National" last night. What really seemed to annoy him was the amateur hour aspect of the Canadian ambassador to the US saying on Tuesday that "we're in" being reversed by the PM by the end of the week.

So in which country will the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics be held?
a) Canada
b) U.S.
c) Republic of British Columbia
d) You can't hold the Olymipics in a glowing crater.

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at March 1, 2005 1:40 PM

In the Democratic Republic of Pacifica (formerly known as British Columbia, Canada).

Posted by: Dave W. at March 1, 2005 3:58 PM