February 21, 2005


Gorilla Foundation rocked by breast display lawsuit (Patricia Yollin, February 18, 2005, SF Chronicle)

Two former employees of the Gorilla Foundation, home to Koko the "talking" ape, have filed a lawsuit contending that they were ordered to bond with the 33-year-old female simian by displaying their breasts.

Nancy Alperin and Kendra Keller, both of San Francisco, are taking on the Woodside nonprofit and its president, Francine "Penny" Patterson.

Their lawsuit, filed Tuesday in San Mateo County Superior Court, alleges sexual discrimination, wrongful termination in retaliation for reporting health and safety violations, and failure to pay overtime or provide rest breaks.

It seeks more than $1 million total in damages for the two women.

The suit follows complaints filed by Alperin and Keller in January with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, in which they gave identical reasons for why they were fired: "I refused to expose my breast to perform acts of bestiality with one of the gorillas." [...]

The subject of books, videos and documentary films, the hairy linguist participated in what was called the first interspecies chat on the Internet in 1998, attracting more than 8,000 AOL users.

San Francisco attorney Stephen Sommers, who is representing Alperin and Keller, has a transcript of that chat.

"There's a history with this nipple thing," he said, leafing through the transcript and pointing out the word "nipple" -- which he'd highlighted in pink -- each time it appeared.

The history, as such, might date back to Koko's mother, who reportedly did not have enough breast milk to feed her.

The suit, in any case, says that Patterson would interpret hand movements by Koko as a demand to see exposed human nipples. She warned Alperin and Keller that their employment with the foundation would suffer, the suit says, if they "did not indulge Koko's nipple fetish."

During at least three visits, the suit says, "Patterson communicated to Alperin that exposing one's breasts to Koko is a normal component to developing a personal bond with the gorilla."

If you're going to work with animals in San Francisco isn't anything short of being asked to have sex with them a pleasant surprise?

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 21, 2005 2:17 PM

they tried using janet...but the gorillas complained

Posted by: cjm at February 21, 2005 8:08 PM

"The history, as such, might date back to Koko's mother, who reportedly did not have enough breast milk to feed her."

How Freudian.

And according to Prf. Schickele, didn't P.D.Q. Bach have a descendent who majored in Animal Husbandry until they caught him at it?

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at February 22, 2005 1:47 AM

If the gorilla had to put a dollar into their G-strings before they had to bare their breasts, there would be no case.

Posted by: Bart at February 22, 2005 7:12 AM

Sure, but only if they were libertarian gorillas.

Posted by: Barry Meislin at February 22, 2005 7:24 AM