February 4, 2005


The Propaganda President:George W. Bush does his best Kim Jong-il. (Jack Shafer, Feb. 3, 2005, Slate)

If "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-il of North Korea and George W. Bush ever meet, I suspect the two will bond like long-lost brothers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 4, 2005 5:52 PM

Cain and Abel?

Posted by: Timothy at February 4, 2005 6:00 PM

Mr. Shafer, who knows neither man, is just the type of man to assert his ignorant opinion in public. How is he not like a raving bar-fly, and Slate a dive bar since it shelters him?

Posted by: Luciferous at February 4, 2005 6:27 PM

Luke and Bo.

Posted by: joe shropshire at February 4, 2005 6:57 PM

There's no comparison at all. It's not even close. George W. Bush could never sing "I'm So Lonely" the way Kim Jong-Il does.

Posted by: Mike Morley at February 4, 2005 7:22 PM

Shafer hitmon something despite himself. Set aside the asinine Kim Jong Il garbage, the key kie is "Every administration has warred with reporters, but Bush's is the first to challenge the very legitimacy of the press."

Couple that with the recent writing (cannot remember who) who wrote that the MSM became a political party when Walter Cronkite set out to vociferously oppose the the Vietnam War.

With the coming of the Internet, Bush HAS done just that. Shafer is right.

And it's jes' killin' 'im.

Posted by: Andrew X at February 4, 2005 7:48 PM

Of course, the fact that one frees people and the other kills is secondary. That's just about what they do. We want to know how they FEEL!

Posted by: Peter B at February 4, 2005 7:48 PM


Good point. Both Kim and the MSM are going to ed up in that queue of opponents W outlasted.

Posted by: oj at February 4, 2005 8:39 PM

GWB is a very personable and likeable man. "Dear Leader" is neither. Of course they'd get along. Their one commonality is that both men's fathers led their respective nations B4 them.

Posted by: Dave W. at February 4, 2005 9:01 PM

Andrew: it was Howard Fineman.

The 'Media Party' is Over

Posted by: joe shropshire at February 4, 2005 9:10 PM

Aw, the Left is just desperate for attention. Check out the latest for Ted "Look at me!! LOOK AT ME!!! Rall:


Posted by: Friday at February 4, 2005 10:13 PM

Aw, the Left is just desperate for attention. Check out the latest from Ted "Look at me!! LOOK AT ME!!! Rall:


Posted by: Friday at February 4, 2005 10:13 PM

The administration's idea of a conversation is a long, platitudinous presidential monologue. Every administration has warred with reporters, but Bush's is the first to challenge the very legitimacy of the press. [...] When Vice President Dick Cheney didn't like the campaign coverage he read in the New York Times, the Times reporter was tossed off the plane. [...]

In fact, as Michael Kinsley wrote in Slate a year and a half ago, it's not that Bush favors unfiltered news; he wants everybody to receive it through his filter.

Oh, so we're supposed to trust a media that passes off forged documents on us and then acts like it's the job of CRITICS to establish their falsity? Or that heavily utilizes the New York Times in their reports, while even that paper's own ombudsman admits his publication's liberal slant?

Or maybe we're supposed to nod our heads and believe them when they tell us, over and over (and over and over and over), that elections in Iraq will be a gigantic mucking fess?

They have no idea how OVER they are. We have options now, and they just can't stand that. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I've got a simple idea for the battle normal Americans fight with media elites: We win, they lose.

The sooner media people understand that we're not taking their crap anymore, the better off they will be. And I hope they're paying attention. We're not planning a press conference.

Posted by: Matt Murphy at February 5, 2005 2:07 AM

They won't meet. KJI will be dirt napping before next Xmas. Them Mullahs must feel their turbans getting mighty tight.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at February 5, 2005 5:02 PM

Kim is now a carpand so is his late mistress!

Posted by: Dave W. at February 5, 2005 7:40 PM