February 13, 2005

BAY OF POGS (via M. Ali Choudhury):

Beware of Pogs – pissed-off old guys (Julie Burchill, February 12, 2005, Times of London)

Well, they say that the worst fate in life is getting what you wish for, and hearing the recent lament of the lush-lipped starlet Scarlett Johansson, you had to smirk in agreement. Miss J, you might recall, said a while back that she couldn’t imagine dating anyone under 30; now she has sent out an SOS for swains her own age, complaining: “I only get balding men with giant guts since that comment circulated.”

Any woman past 30 would have to be a saint not to have sniggered when she read that, just as she would have to have been a gentle natured gerontophile not to have groaned at Johansson’s original come-on. All across the Western world, the sound of middle-aged male crests falling, sap retreating and steps losing their spring is deafening as yet another reason for the vast tribe of Pogs — pissed-off old guys — to haul their weary asses out of bed in the morning bites the dust. For according to Jed Diamond, author of the new American pop psychology smash The Irritable Male Syndrome, half of all middle-aged men are annoyed “often or almost always”, 43 per cent are exhausted, 46 per cent are bored and 41 per cent are “never sexually satisfied”. And this was before Scarlett broke the news that she wasn’t going to get jiggy with them after all!

So why wouldn't a bimbo want a man who's never sexually satisfied?

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 13, 2005 5:42 PM

I thought this was a political category:

A Nation Divided? A Clinton strategist portrays the country as a collection of voting blocs, by Daniel Casse, Tuesday, January 13, 2004.

Someone once wrote that there are only two things needed to win the American presidency: character and guts. Stanley Greenberg might add one more: a clever strategist obsessed by opinion polls. Someone, that is, like Mr. Greenberg himself. He was a key player in Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign and continues to advise politicians here and abroad. "The Two Americas" is his grand theory about the past and future of the struggle between Republicans and Democrats.

While most voters see politics as a contest among personalities and ideas, Mr. Greenberg views elections as epic tugs-of-war over disparate voting blocs. To him, voters are not Republicans or Democrats, New Yorkers or Texans. They are rather members of varied cluster groups, each with its own habits and preferences and each christened with its own label: Golden Gals (Republican-leaning senior women now tilting Democrat), Country Folk (rural whites) or the F-You Old Men (self-explanatory).

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at February 13, 2005 6:10 PM

Of course the idea of a woman less than half my age brings to mind the story about the neighbors visiting over the fence.

The first one says: "Say, doesn't it worry you that your dog is always chasing the crosstown bus when it goes by?"

The second one says: "I don't worry about him chasing the bus, I worry about what would happen if he caught one."

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at February 13, 2005 6:38 PM

First, make your money then chase the women. You could look like Victor Buono or Jackie Coogan(as I would if I were to do the shaved thing) and if you have a big enough wallet, the Scarlett Johansons of the world will flock to you like sharks to a bleeding dead pig in the water.

Too many people get married for all the wrong reasons and then get disappointed, discouraged and divorced down the road. Broke, balding, bulbous and over 40, yeah, you're a babe magnet.

Rich and egocentric is the way to go, just ask the Donald. You can comb your hair with an egg beater and still land Melanie Knauss.

Posted by: Bart at February 13, 2005 6:46 PM

just don't let them divorce and the marriage will work out.

Posted by: oj at February 13, 2005 6:57 PM


An attractive woman once explained it to me thus:
short unattractive wealthy men look taller sitting on their wallets.

Posted by: Fred Jacobsen (San Fran) at February 13, 2005 8:54 PM

To second Bart's point, I belonged to a health club near work around 15 years ago, and one day as I was checking in with the attractive female attendant at the front, funbling in my wallet for my gym ID card, I made the remark "gee, it's hard to find amongst all this plastic". She purred back "Oooooh, plastic!!".

Posted by: Robert Duquette at February 15, 2005 1:14 PM