October 3, 2004


Iraq: Politics or Policy? (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, 10/03/04, NY Times)

Being away has not changed my belief one iota in the importance of producing a decent outcome in Iraq, to help move the Arab-Muslim world off its steady slide toward increased authoritarianism, unemployment, overpopulation, suicidal terrorism and religious obscurantism. But my time off has clarified for me, even more, that this Bush team can't get us there, and may have so messed things up that no one can. Why? Because each time the Bush team had to choose between doing the right thing in the war on terrorism or siding with its political base and ideology, it chose its base and ideology. More troops or radically lower taxes? Lower taxes. Fire an evangelical Christian U.S. general who smears Islam in a speech while wearing the uniform of the U.S. Army or not fire him so as not to anger the Christian right? Don't fire him. Apologize to the U.N. for not finding the W.M.D., and then make the case for why our allies should still join us in Iraq to establish a decent government there? Don't apologize - for anything - because Karl Rove says the "base" won't like it. Impose a "Patriot Tax" of 50 cents a gallon on gasoline to help pay for the war, shrink the deficit and reduce the amount of oil we consume so we send less money to Saudi Arabia? Never. Just tell Americans to go on guzzling. Fire the secretary of defense for the abuses at Abu Ghraib, to show the world how seriously we take this outrage - or do nothing? Do nothing. Firing Mr. Rumsfeld might upset conservatives. Listen to the C.I.A.? Only when it can confirm your ideology. When it disagrees - impugn it or ignore it.

What I resent so much is that some of us actually put our personal politics aside in thinking about this war and about why it is so important to produce a different Iraq. This administration never did. Mr. Kerry's own views on Iraq have been intensely political and for a long time not well thought through. But Mr. Kerry is a politician running for office. Mr. Bush is president, charged with protecting the national interest, and yet from the beginning he has run Iraq policy as an extension of his political campaign.

Friends, I return to where I started: We're in trouble in Iraq. We have to immediately get the Democratic and Republican politics out of this policy and start honestly reassessing what is the maximum we can still achieve there and what every American is going to have to do to make it happen. If we do not, we'll end up not only with a fractured Iraq, but with a fractured America, at war with itself and isolated from the world.

This is just nonsensical. The question of what our goals in the Middle East should be is fundamentally political. President Bush and his evangelical base believe it should be Reformed and democratized, which obviously requires a period of instability, even chaos. Senator Kerry and the Realpolitik crowd--along with their isolationist fellow travelers on the libertarian and paleocon Right--think that we should seek stability instead--which means propping up regimes that are sufficiently authoritarian to control their populations and disregarding human rights. Both sides have compelling arguments--Senator Kerry's is certainly more popular in the rest of the world and may well be the majority view here as well--but the differences between them strike to the very core of the Left/Right divide: the Left tends to favor Security (which stability ostensibly provides); the Right tends to favor Freedom (which is inherently unstable).

Posted by Orrin Judd at October 3, 2004 9:34 AM

my personal favorite Friedman howler (for the week):

'..More troops or radically lower taxes? Lower taxes.'

jeez, if I wrote that, I would toss it.. who could possibly believe that the President (or anyone else) thinks there is an either/or choice on thos two issues.

and this guy wins PULITZER freaking PRIZES! (??)

Posted by: JonofAtlanta at October 3, 2004 1:53 PM

Why in the world should the US apologize to the UN for not finding WMD in Iraq ?

Everyone, literally every nation in the UN thought that Saddam had WMD, including, possibly, Saddam himself.
Iraq did nothing whatsoever to make their case that they didn't have WMD, and in fact behaved like a government with something to hide, so why would anyone believe that they didn't ?

The divide wasn't between those who believed that Saddam had WMD and those who did not, but between those who were willing to act, and those that weren't.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at October 3, 2004 5:40 PM

Yes, that's right. Conservatives prefer an inherently unstable situation.

Posted by: Chris Durnell at October 4, 2004 11:48 AM

Stability uber Alles was what gave us the Middle East we have today.

It's like disabling the safety valve on a boiler -- it's stable until one day (9/11?) the whole thing blows sky-high.

Posted by: Ken at October 4, 2004 12:59 PM