September 7, 2004


EXCERPT: from 'Only We Who Guard the Mystery Shall Be Unhappy' by Tony Kushner (NY Times, September 5, 2004)

In the play's second scene, Laura Bush discusses the first scene with the playwright. This excerpt is from that discussion.

TONY KUSHNER: I just don't think you can say Dostoyevsky isn't political.

LAURA BUSH: Oh you'd definitely say Dostoyevsky's political, though I think you wouldn't even want to know who he'd vote for! If he'd vote at all, because his vision and his art transcend politics, he attains spiritual realms undreamt of by you political squabbly type guys, and, and it's, I mean what would Chekhov think? Using the stage, the theater, ART! For, for tawdry propagandizing? You oughta be ashamed of yourself.

TONY KUSHNER: I always am.

LAURA BUSH: And that explains your political affiliations! You guys are just a bunch of mopes, y'all are all just sorrowful types who haven't figured out which sock drawer you oughta shove all your personal misery and disappointment and, and guilt in. It's like a mental condition is what it is. . . . I mean it's not like there's anyone who isn't sorrowful or guilty, it's just some people don't fall back on that as the basis of a whole droopy dreary you know Weltanschauung, pardon my French — and I know, skipper, you don't think people from East Texas know big German words like Weltanschauung, but we do. You're a snob, is another thing.

TONY KUSHNER: Maybe all liberalism and progressivism and left-leaning politics are pathological but I would argue less maladaptive and delusional than, say, well, your politics, or rather your husband's — since no one knows what yours really are, which is why I find you so fascinating, it's——

LAURA BUSH: Oh you know what mine are, don't be so fascinated, you snoop, mine are just a whole lot like his are, maybe not so, not so, well that's none of your business.

TONY KUSHNER: But like I think all conservative thought is sort of a product of thought disorder, like a mild thought disorder, an inability to follow an idea or an action through to its actual consequences, or, or it's a morbid obsessional terror and the sourness and viciousness that accompanies such——

LAURA BUSH: What I think is you people are afraid of my husband, is what I


TONY KUSHNER: Oh no argument about that, I mean——

LAURA BUSH: You're afraid of George because, because, well first off you hate him because he does things, I mean actually likely to act, to act on his convictions — it's not his convictions, it's that he does stuff about it.

TONY KUSHNER: Well, no, it's that he does stuff about it and also his convictions are really, really hideous, his ideological—

LAURA BUSH: Y'all can't stand his, well let's call it vividness. For people like you, a bookish pallor is a precious badge of distinction, "I have read enough to be muddleheaded enough to be 100 percent entirely immobilized!" I mean look at that gloomy old banana-face you just nominated, and sorry to be name-calling but really, take a good look! Does anyone think he's likely to do anything other than marvel at the complexity of everything and hire people who are similarly awe-struck and flabbergasted at the, at the whole magical mystery tour incomprehensibility of it all, and so you'll, you'll all get together in Washington like last time and you'll, you'll what? You'll ban snowmobiles in Yellowstone Park and then everyone in the Sierra Club'll take everyone in P.E.T.A. out for a Sunday night pizza!

TONY KUSHNER: Banning snowmobiles is better than drilling for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge — and you have to be honest and admit that Clinton faced a Republican Congress for most of his administration that was astonishingly hostile and——

LAURA BUSH: Whee-hooh, action! Snowmobiles! Head Start! Don't-ask-don't-tell, and and lookie here, three whole forklifts full of wasted paper and — Listen, you want to talk about hostile?

TONY KUSHNER: Negotiations for peace in Ireland, in the Mideast


LAURA BUSH: Just wait till you see Tom Delay if Kerry beats George! Hostile? Listen! Hark! That's the sound of Richard Mellon Scaife a-sharpening his — And, oh yeah, negotiations, like that amounted to spit!

TONY KUSHNER: And, and at least we didn't attack another country, at least with a Democrat in the White House there's less chance of——

LAURA BUSH: You go on and on about Halliburton and the Carlyle Group, Halliburton and the Carlyle Group — and no, you didn't attack another country, not like you meant it, you all just fire a missile here and a missile there and look like you are thinking real hard about the meaning of missiles!

Can there be any better proof that all humor is conservative than that even in Mr. Kushner's own anti-Bush play the First Lady hilariously wipes the floor with him?

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 7, 2004 7:09 PM

"For people like you, a bookish pallor is a precious badge of distinction, "I have read enough to be muddleheaded enough to be 100 percent entirely immobilized!" I mean look at that gloomy old banana-face you just nominated, and sorry to be name-calling but really, take a good look! Does anyone think he's likely to do anything other than marvel at the complexity of everything and hire people who are similarly awe-struck and flabbergasted at the, at the whole magical mystery tour incomprehensibility of it all, and so you'll, you'll all get together in Washington like last time and you'll, you'll what? You'll ban snowmobiles in Yellowstone Park and then everyone in the Sierra Club'll take everyone in P.E.T.A. out for a Sunday night pizza!"

I've never seen Canadian political culture described quite so accurately.

Posted by: Peter B at September 7, 2004 7:19 PM


Can he really think he's making fun of her and not himself?

Posted by: oj at September 7, 2004 7:25 PM

I can only assume that a covert Republican spy, deep within the bowels of the New York Times, somehow finagled his way into a position where he could choose the excerpt from that play.

The most innacurate part of the dialogue was who was doing the sputtering. Other than that, I thought it was spot on.

Posted by: Timothy at September 7, 2004 7:34 PM


Point taken. Artful as he is, he doesn't get irony. But a stopped clock is right twice a day and that is exactly how people think up here.

Which may be why we have such a good name in his circles.

Posted by: Peter B at September 7, 2004 7:40 PM

"I think all conservative thought is sort of a product of thought disorder, like a mild thought disorder"

Talk about double standards: anybody who wrote that about homosexuality would never work for the Times again.

Posted by: Ed Driscoll at September 7, 2004 8:02 PM

TONY KUSHNER: But like I think all conservative thought is sort of a product of thought disorder, like a mild thought disorder, an inability to follow an idea or an action through to its actual consequences,

Yes, don't we all know how conservatives are always forcing new ideas and actions on society, without thinking through to their "actual consequences"...!

Posted by: PapayaSF at September 7, 2004 8:03 PM

This reminds me of the Green party convention. I was flipping channels when I saw it, and paused to check out. Whoever was speaking there basically was reciting the Republican program, word for word, and that alone was cause for humour. Through the looking glass, indeed.

Posted by: Mike at September 7, 2004 8:19 PM

Laura is from "west" Texas. Midland is about a 500 miles from Texarkana, and even further in attitude and accent. He doesn't even realize how much a snob he is or how little he knows about anything west of the Hudson.

Posted by: D. Woolwine at September 7, 2004 10:23 PM

Tony does seem to have cribbed Laura Bush's southern dialect from Ellie Mae Clampett, doesn't he? But if it makes him feel good and gives a few janitors and union stagehands in some off-Broadway theater a few weeks worth of paychecks, more power to him.

Posted by: John at September 7, 2004 11:03 PM

Laura was a librarian.

Posted by: jim hamlen at September 7, 2004 11:23 PM

Can't she sue him?

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at September 7, 2004 11:39 PM

Expect lots more truly hilarious stuff after the elections.

Posted by: Barry Meislin at September 8, 2004 3:14 AM

Didn't a whole bunch of these goobers promise to emigrate if Bush won last time? Alec Baldwin and Robert Altman come to mind.

Would American popular culture be any worse if they did?

Posted by: Bart at September 8, 2004 8:27 AM

TONY KUSHNER: But like I think all conservative thought is sort of a product of thought disorder, like a mild thought disorder, an inability to follow an idea or an action through to its actual consequences,

Kushner is not too far wrong, of course...

"We consider evidence for and against the hypotheses that political conservatism is significantly associated with (1) mental rigidity and closed-mindedness, including (a) increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, (b) decreased cognitive complexity, (c) decreased openness to experience, (d) uncertainty avoidance, (e) personal needs for order and structure, and (f) need for cognitive closure; (2) lowered self-esteem; (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss prevention; (6) fear of death; (7) threat arising from social and economic deprivation; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system. "

Posted by: at September 9, 2004 3:11 AM


Doesn't Darwin claim those as necessary survival traits for the species?

Posted by: oj at September 9, 2004 8:09 AM