July 21, 2004
French Cocktail Phobia (International Herald Tribune Archives, July 21st, 1929)
PARIS: A nation reared on the ruddy juice of the grape - a nation to which wine is poetry and food a ballast for fine drinking - is being endangered culturally according to two or three authorities on such types of danger, by the insidious trickling into France of the "cocktail mondain." M. Roger Devigne, in the "Quotidien," says that things have come to such a pass that in the most elegant homes the "bar américain" has crowded out the bookcase.
"Mondain" translates as "global". Shortly after World War II, France tried to prohbit Coca-Cola and only backed off when the U.S. threatened to ban their wines. No wonder they are never ready for Germany.
Posted by Peter Burnet at July 21, 2004 6:46 AMComments
Finally, the truth is out: with France fatally distracted by the (cultural) threat from across the Atlantic, it is no wonder the Germans were able to get around the Maginot Line so easily (11 years later).
Posted by: Barry Meislin at July 21, 2004 7:20 AMThe have an American Bar???
Do they use ice or drink it warm like the Brits??
Posted by: Sandy P at July 21, 2004 1:31 PMWe'll booze them into submission.
Posted by: Sandy P at July 21, 2004 1:32 PM