July 30, 2004
Last time I checked, Sen. John Kerry was 60 years old. But to listen to his speech last night at the Democratic National Convention, you would think he was still in his 20s.He opened up his talk with a lengthy and evocative description of his childhood and what it was like growing up in divided Berlin. He told us of the "goose bumps" he remembers getting when the band struck up "Stars and Stripes Forever."
Then, after this long rendition of his childhood, he tells us at length what it was like to serve in Vietnam for the four months that he was there. So far, so good.
But then he spent only about one minute talking about what he has done since.
Beyond a brief allusion to his efforts for crime victims and to prosecute crimes against women as an assistant district attorney, his support for Clinton's plan for extra cops and a balanced budget and a reference to his work with John McCain on the POW and MIA issue in Vietnam, that's it.
What did this man do as an adult? What happened during his service as Michael Dukakis' lieutenant-governor in Massachusetts and in his 20 years in the United States Senate?
What bills did he introduce? What initiatives did he sponsor? Which investigations did he lead? What amendments bear his name? What great debates did he participate in?
What did he do for his constituents in Massachusetts? What businesses did he persuade to come to the Bay State? Which elderly did he help get their Social Security benefits? What injustices did he correct?
Kerry's biography ends at 24.
This surely was the most embarrassing portion of the speech:
I ask you to judge me by my record: As a young prosecutor, I fought for victim's rights and made prosecuting violence against women a priority. When I came to the Senate, I broke with many in my own party to vote for a balanced budget, because I thought it was the right thing to do. I fought to put a 100,000 cops on the street.And then I reached across the aisle to work with John McCain, to find the truth about our POW's and missing in action, and to finally make peace with Vietnam.
That's the entiretyy of his record and much of it's bogus: anyone think he cared about "women's rights" or that the McCain shtick is there for any reason other than to try and cling to the guy who's rejected his vice presidential offer in favor of George W. Bush? Posted by Orrin Judd at July 30, 2004 9:44 AM
Under the comments for the previous post on Kerry's speech I pasted in the end of Morris' column. Morris basically says the Clinton admin didn't worry about Kerry because he was an unimportant back-bencher. It is amazing that Kerry thinks his Vietnam service and the ABB crowd will be enough to unseat Bush.
Posted by: AWW at July 30, 2004 9:50 AM>Kerry's biography ends at 24.
Another arrested development case -- not as flashy as Wacko Jacko, but a pattern I've seen in a lot of the fringes of SF fandom.
And in 20-30 years, they'll be in nursing homes with tubes running into & out of them, still 24 in their own mind and obsessing about VIETNAM! VIETNAM! VIETNAM! and/or How I Screwed In The Mud At WOODSTOCK, THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE PLANET!
Posted by: Ken at July 30, 2004 12:28 PM