July 12, 2004
The role of freedom, growth and religion in the taste for revolution (Silvia Pezzini & Robert MacCulloch, Department of Economics, University of Milan, Italy)
This paper ... surveys ... revolutionary tastes of 130,000 people living in 61 nations between 1981 and 1997.... Being Muslim in a free country has no effect on the probability of supporting revolt compared to a non-religious person. However being Muslim in a country that is not free increases it by 13 percentage points. Being Christian in a free country decreases the chance of supporting revolt by 4 percentage points, compared to a non-religious person, and in a not-free country by 1 percentage point.
So Christians are more peaceable than the non-religious, despite the protestations of various folks.
Now that Europe is thoroughly non-religious, and if her economies continue to fail, the urge to fight may grow. Perhaps George Miller is right to predict revolution in France.
I'm sorry--the margin of error was?
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at July 13, 2004 7:09 AMSkepticism is warranted, yet it's one more data point ...
Posted by: pj at July 13, 2004 7:49 AM